Journal Entries


I went down the pub as always on thursday and, well blow me sideways with a blowy sideways thing if the girl from work wasn't down there! How great was that? I got to buy her a drink without even having to ask her down the pub! Hooray. Being a coward can be fun!

Hooray for free internet access at weekends

Hooray for the next stage of my cunning plan... Asking her to a concert....

Hooray for the word 'hooray' 

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Latest reply: Jun 5, 1999


The preparations. The candles. The deep breathing. The sacrifice of a Lamb (only a soft toy you understand...) all for nothing.

(note in case you didn't get that I DIDN'T ASK HER)

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Latest reply: Jun 1, 1999


I sit here on the night before tuesday. I will soon stop typing and sit in the lotus position in the middle of my room that will be lit only by candles. I shall clear my mind listening to the sound of my own steady breathing. I shall then contemplate how I will achieve my goal on tuesday. Tuesday is traditionaly the day on which the hours of 5 till 8 are spent trying to find any reason possible to avoid asking out the girl at work. This often consists of such amazing wisdom as 'she may say no' which, while a tad defeatest, is undeniable all the same.  I shall further contemplate how to act like it is no big deal when it is quite clearly one of the biggest deals I have to at present...
I will continue to meditate until:

1 I find the answers
2 I feel like a game of Half-Life

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Latest reply: May 31, 1999

Hot Hot Hot

Some Australians laughed at us when we were in turkey when we said England was having a heat wave a few years back. They laughed when we told them the temparature! They said that would be cold in Australia.Whatever. It's been hot today. And I had to work in the laudry. So I'm Hot for an English bloke smiley - smiley 

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Latest reply: May 29, 1999

wondering what to do

Well life is still an unknown quantity at the moment but one thing makes it bearable. Pretty girls who offer me their friendship. smiley - smiley Two of my favourites, as I have mentioned are called Amber, but yesterday I had a wonderful conversation with a girl who's name I can't spell properly. Raphaella I think. She is lovely. I think I may be obsessed with girls. hmmm. Yes That seems to be the case.  My plan is to ask her out next time I work with her. But I fear rejection. So I may not. Watch this space smiley - smiley


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Latest reply: May 28, 1999

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