Journal Entries

Girls with the name Amber

 This is not a definitive statement at all. I only know 2 girls named Amber so I can't really enter this as a guide entry. But there does seem to be a cosmic law that says 'girls with name Amber will be A)very pretty and B)very special.' I know one Amber in Worthing (my home town) And one in Rochester. They both meet the afore mentioned criterea and I just felt it should be noted somewhere in the grand scheme of things. So er... this is that note (yes this is a sappy entry but look it's my journal ok?) smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: May 24, 1999


the octons of beta 12 said that failure is a dish best eaten on tuesdays. As such due to a defective DNA structure the octons soon died out. On a tuesday. I apear to be failing badly at the moment. But it's all part of the cosmic joke. Maybe I can be a succesful HHG researcher. Time will tell.
I should be working on my degree rather than typing nonsense. Which gives an insight into why I fail so often.
I'm quite a happy person really smiley - smiley 

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Latest reply: May 23, 1999

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Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

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