This is a Journal entry by Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

Girls with the name Amber

Post 1

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

 This is not a definitive statement at all. I only know 2 girls named Amber so I can't really enter this as a guide entry. But there does seem to be a cosmic law that says 'girls with name Amber will be A)very pretty and B)very special.' I know one Amber in Worthing (my home town) And one in Rochester. They both meet the afore mentioned criterea and I just felt it should be noted somewhere in the grand scheme of things. So er... this is that note (yes this is a sappy entry but look it's my journal ok?) smiley - smiley

Girls with the name Amber

Post 2


hmmmm.... my name is Amber and I am from Rochester and I like to think of my self as both pretty and special..... do I know you? I used to like my name. I thought it was pretty and unique but my boyfriend informed me that it is a typical stripper's name. alas! in movies or on television girls named Amber are either bimbos, or evil or some combination of the two. But I comfort myself with the fact that tv and movies aren't real life. There are writers and writers have their own hidden agendas don't they?

Girls with the name Amber

Post 3


Amber is my cat's name, in fact. Dunno where that fits into your theory of the name Amber. smiley - fish

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