This is a Journal entry by Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

wondering what to do

Post 1

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

Well life is still an unknown quantity at the moment but one thing makes it bearable. Pretty girls who offer me their friendship. smiley - smiley Two of my favourites, as I have mentioned are called Amber, but yesterday I had a wonderful conversation with a girl who's name I can't spell properly. Raphaella I think. She is lovely. I think I may be obsessed with girls. hmmm. Yes That seems to be the case.  My plan is to ask her out next time I work with her. But I fear rejection. So I may not. Watch this space smiley - smiley


wondering what to do

Post 2


methinks you are too hung up by your fears. sometimes you have to be daring, especially with women. we have been conditioned to find it charming. but really, if you let your fears hold you back you will miss out on all the really great things in life.

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