Oh God My Life Is Dull!

Many people have said that my name, "Mr Johnny-John St-John McJohnson" is quite unsual and does perhaps have too many uses of the name "John" in it. All I can say to this is at least its not as strange as "Mr Marky Sparky Jark Shark The Moon Man Smith." The current career I am embarked upon is varied I am a writer, a soon to be director of a small firm, and a stock taker whenever my office doesn't cancel my work. In other words I am an Unemployed Bum. This has many drawbacks in life, such as no money, no job and no life, but at least it gives you time to think, lots of time to think, oh my god a really large amount of time to think. The reference to my god in the last sentance is there for a reason, which is that I've decided to have my own god, one who can listen to all my problems all of the time, without having to split his attention to a bunch of other losers. And you also get a bunch of extra religious holidays, not that I'm in work and able to take them off, but maybe one day. The only draw back to this is people tend to think your a bit strange, especially when you name your god "Yingthrall Morpockbat" with his excellent assistants "The Varhoonit Brothers." (No I don't know their first names of how many of them there are.) But this is enough rubbish for now, you must go and read something interesting, surely you have got something better to do than read this rubbish. Go away now.

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Yingthrall Morpockbat May 29, 1999


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Mr Johnny-John St-John McJohnson

Researcher U33682


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