This is the Message Centre for Mr Johnny-John St-John McJohnson

Yingthrall Morpockbat

Post 1

The Other Doctor

This name seems somehow familliar...

Barking mad as ever I see Mr McJohnson!

Yingthrall Morpockbat

Post 2

Mr Johnny-John St-John McJohnson

The name may sound familiar, but when I wrote my book, I did say that I'd eventually work out a bit more about good old Yingthrall, however I just haven't added that much more.

Yingthrall Morpockbat

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Your religion answers a fundamental question: Does it have names that are fun to say? The answer it gives is, "Yes".
If your religion fails you in every other respect; you can, at least, enjoy taking the name of the Lord in vain.

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