A Conversation for Canada

The Kids In The Hall

Post 1

Mr Johnny-John St-John McJohnson

Let me be the first to thank the Canadians for "The Kids In The Hall" who brighten up the TV at around 2am whenever Channel 4 can be bothered to show them. As comedy goes they far surpass the Americans, who I unfortunatley have to deal with if I want to get the videos. Some might say that the Americans are a joke, but I personally find them more worrying than funny. This is for many reasons, but as they could all probably be viewed as rascist, I'm not allowed to talk about them here.

Canadian Comedy

Post 2


I have to agree, Canadian comedy far surpases the American equivalent. Kids in the Hall isn't the only group though, there's also
This Hour has 22 Minutes
The Royal Canadian Air Farce

and many others, although my personal favorite is Made in Canada

Canadian Comedy

Post 3


Codco? I love that one. smiley - biggrin

smiley - zen
smiley - towel


Canadian Comedy

Post 4

4me-2me (Please don't 8me)

Two new series are really great too:
- The Little Mosquee on the Prairies
- Corner Gas


Canadian Comedy

Post 5


Got to love Trailer Park Boys as it's so weird!

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