Fire, I'll Teach You To Redecorate

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In the sleepy little village of St Mary Cray, there is a cunning way to get your council house redecorated, even if it has only just been done. It really is quite simple and if people wanted to it could be used all over the country. All you have to do is simply set light to your house (preferably when all you belongings and family aren't in it,) and the council simply give you a new house and fully redecorate it how ever you like. The people of the Crays have been doing it for years and no one has ever stopped them. Maybe this is due to all the guns they have stashed away, or maybe it is simply another quirk of this great universe that most of us live in most of the time. Who knows?
I guess I ashould put in some sort of disclaimer here saying that I personally don't endorse the burning down of one's own property merely for the purpose of redecorating, as there are so many better reasons for arson, such as insanity, boredom, or being to scarey for the police to deal with.

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