Journal Entries

"I just want to be with you" but I can't stay for long.

My modem is acting up again, so I can only access the internet from school. Consequently, I don't have much time to go into detail right now. For now I'll let you know I had a good time at prom, and I do have some stories to tell when I get the time. I've got to go now before my teacher starts bitching at me. Later.

P.S. The song in the title: It's been stuck in my head since Friday. Reasons to be revealed at a later date. I really have to go. Like right now.

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Latest reply: May 9, 2000

Did I say storm? Make it drizzle.

I couldn't have been more wrong about the pace of the rest of the school year. After Spring Break, it all seems kind of pointless, almost like a dream. It's like that at the end of every year, but even more so this time, because we're planning our graduation parties, registering for classes for college, and so on. It's almost like we already graduated. I didn't go to prom last year, so I'm exited about it, but the seniors that are going that went last year are almost apathetic.

We had to sign this stupid Prom Promise thing that everyone is going to break anyways. Well, technically we didn't HAVE to sign it, but if we don't we don't get to dress down on Friday (we have uniforms.) If it said you promise not to drink and drive, that would be different, but it says not to drink alcohol on prom night at all. We're all going in limos, so why do those people care if we have a little drink to celebrate? I mean, sure it's illegal if you're under 21, but they made that law to curb drunk driving too. I would never drive drunk and neither would most teens I know, but there's no way in hell I'm staying sober on prom night. It would be like having a cake without icing, a movie without popcorn, a bachelor party without a stripper. It's just not going to happen. So I figured, I don't make promises I don't intend to keep. Then I figured, I don't wear uniforms on dress down days. So I signed "Micke Pesa" instead of Mike Pesa, but you can't tell because my signature is real sloppy. I get to dress down, and I didn't sign my name. I know it's dishonest, but it seemed more morally correct than signing something I had every intention of breaking, which is what most people do. Oh well.

Well, Prom night is this Friday, so my next journal entry will be a recap of prom (and afterprom if I go. I still haven't decided!)

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Latest reply: May 3, 2000

The Calm Before the Storm

Well, it is now Spring Break of my senior year of high school. I feel like I'm in an adventure movie, and this is the time of relaxation and
thoughtfulness before taking on the final mission. I never really do a whole lot of crazy stuff on Spring Break. (I'm saving that for
college.) I'm gonna hang out with my friends and finish writing the backs of my senior pictures. Then the rest of the year will go a flash. The week I go back is prom week. After that we will be finishing up our classes and preparing for graduation. This is it. It's almost over. I don't want it to end yet. But then again, I am eager to start a new life, away from the troubles of home, and shape my life. But half of me wants to be a kid again, or at any rate, to go back to the begining of this school year. I think I have more most people my age, and they are mostly regrets of what I never did than of do. When I get on this train of thought I feel really old, and I just want to go back. But then I think about all the good things that came
from bad things in my life. For example, I was really bad in the first half of my school years, and I got sent to a correctional school for
almost two years. It sucked there, but not only did I get myself straightened out with the help of the Mrs. Benish, the world's greatest teacher's aide, I also met Roger there. Roger has been one of my closest friends since 6th grade (5th for him) and I have countless
wonderful memories with him. If it wasn't for being sent there, I would have never met him. It seems like most of my worst problems
were caused by factors out of my control: being born to a mother that I just can't get along with at all, having my father die to
cancer before my 16th birthday, all of these things were unavoidable. As for my lack of social experience (getting out), I've been correcting that this year, and will continue to make up for my lost years throughout college. So my regrets aren't the real reason for my
sadness at this time. Rather, it is fear of the future and mourning the end of the only life I've known all these years. If anyone actually reads my journals, I apologize for constantly droning on about the same things, but they are always on my mind.

Web update: I applied to be a writer for the writing section of Elfwood, a huge website for amauter fantasy and sci-fi artists and writers. ( Acceptance is pretty much automatic, but they make you go through an aproval process anyways, so I'm waiting to be notified. Ever since I left Floor 42, which seems like ages ago, I missed that sense of an online community. H2G2 is cool, but it's easy to get lost in the system. Even though elfwood is even larger than h2g2, it is much more personal for the artists and writers, because they are part of the artist/writer community as well as being constantly commented on by visitors, many of whom are regulars. Nothing can replace floor 42, but it will fill in a gap in my life. I'm disappointed that no one signed up for the HVS yet, even though a posted a notice in the old thread for the vegetarian article. But I
won't be discouraged yet. I'm looking to get a few members, and then I will bring the society to the attention of Peta so she can put it on Peta's Picks (or whatever they're going to call it now). I really should write some more articles, but I haven't had the motivation for it. Finally, I'm looking forward to the approval of my Dante article. It's already been edited by the second editor!

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Latest reply: Apr 21, 2000

For once, I can't think of a dramatic title.

Today I participated in the Campbell Civics Day program. About 30 seniors from my high school were selected based on certain criteria to be matched up with a city official for the day. I was with the Superintendent of the Water Department. Some of the equipment was interesting, but then we had to sit in on a meeting which I struggled to stay awake through. However, things got a little more interesting when it we found out that the guy who was supposed to supervise the installation of the new power generator decided to go home, and boy was my man pissed. After that was lunch. I enjoyed a game of Spades before a blatant violation of the seperation of church and state which resulted in setting the world record for most invocations of "Lord" in a minute. "Lord, we thank you Lord for this food Lord, and Lord, we ask Lord that these young people Lord will Lord..." Well, you get the point. And I swear I'm not exagerating. Anyways, everything had meat in it except the rolls and the salad, and I hate salad. So I got a plate full of rolls and took a few packages of non-butter butter (every ingredient ended in "ide" or "ate"). Then some speeches from the Mayor and other dignitaries. After that came the best part. The students had a mock counicil meeting with lots of ad-libbing. It was halarious. All in all a nice day, and a good excuse to get out of school.

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Latest reply: Apr 18, 2000

Vegetarians Unite!

I've been intending to create some kind of themed H2G2 Society for quite a while, but I wasn't sure what to use. History was already taken, and I was considering conservation for a while, but last night I read an old article on vegetarianism, and there were dozens of enthusiastic vegeterians that responded to the thread, so I figured 'I'm a vegetarian, there's a lot of others out there, why not an H2G2 Vegetarian Society? And so, about an hour or two ago, the HVS was born. I don't know whether it will succeed or not, but I hope so.

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Latest reply: Apr 14, 2000

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Wolfman, Zaphodista :X (soon to be Zarquon again, or maybe not)

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