The truth is out there--but it ain't pretty!

Hi, I'm Wolfman (formerly Zarquon), AKA Mike Pesa. I'm a 22 year old senior at Kent State University, Ohio, USA. I'm scheduled to graduate in August (knock on wood). My interests include activism, independent media, Red Dwarf, history, and playing the harmonica. I finished my UnionSemester labor movement internship in New York City and I'm back in Kent now, but hopefully not for too much longer. I'm too busy to visit h2g2 very often these days, but if you drop me a line I will get back to you eventually--even if it's a year later!
I am a (rather inactive these days) member of Floor 42. Check it out. It's awesome! I have an old website, but I haven't updated it in years. Check out the links page. A "new" website (as I'm updating this in 2004, it's not very new anymore), Wolfman's Den is now online, but for some reason my home space was "moderated" after I put a link to it. Why is beyond me. There is nothing illegal or morally objectionable on it. Hopefully I can work this out with the h2g2 staff and repost the web address soon.
I set up a seperate website to host the lyrics to some of the more recent songs I've written. I am also the webmaster for an activist group at Kent State. The website is Also, check out the magazine I edit, "Threshold". You can email me at [email protected].Go Goo!
Cheers to the h2g2 web team for finally updating the navigation features on the Classic Goo "skin". I have stubbornly refused to give up my precious blue goo for the souless mainstreamness of alabaster, and consequently have sacraficed convenience in doing certain things like the paranoia meter (Who's Online). Now my h2g2 experience will be even more enjoyable, and I thank those responsible. Classic Goo--it's not just Goo, it's Classic!
Calling All Vegetarians!
The H2G2 Vegetarian Society is a community for vegetarians on h2g2. Find helpful information and discuss vegetarian-realated issues! Join now!
Top Ten List Discontinued
Due to lack of time and talent, the top ten list will be discontinued until further notice. I just don't have time to do it anymore, and lately I've been slipping on quality. The archive will remain available, and I might come up with a new feature that's less time consuming. I apologize to everyone who enjoys reading my lists and I thank you for your attention.
To see the old top ten lists click here.
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Happy Birthday | Oct 27, 2005 |
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Your entry has been submitted to 'Alternative Writing Worksh | Aug 23, 2003 |
Another vegan wanting to join | Nov 27, 2002 |
Joing the Vegetarian Society? | Aug 10, 2002 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."
Wolfman, Zaphodista :X (soon to be Zarquon again, or maybe not) has no Friends