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NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Lunar larks
Posted Nov 19, 2015
19.11.2015 Lunar Larks
Do you know or remember the names Charles Conrad and Alan Bean well it was along time ago. Here is a clue Richard Gordon was with them most of the time.
If you remember well done (it helps if you are from the USA). If you dont remember well thats understandable it was 19 Nov 1969.
If you were around then you can be forgiven it is the anniversary of the Apollo 12 in a lunar landing. I found it surprising it was that long ago and the event only rated a few words in the trivia section of the news. 46 years ago and almost forgotten, these 3 were brave chaps (Richard Gordon was the driver of the mother ship).
Not a word on the mainstream media all the TV channels we have stuffed full of repeats and trivial repeats and not a mention. The only one who seems to have any interest in space is Richard Branson, and he only gets coverage when something goes wrong.
Someone said (and I don't know who) "the future is in the stars". It looks like we forget things or give up to soon.
Th USA should be proud of Charles Conrad, Alan Bean and Richard Gordon
Well done chaps well done USA
Now heres a question what were the names of the first men to walk on the moon, it will take some time to remember and half of us will need to look it up.
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Latest reply: Nov 19, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Birmingham CHRISTMAS Street market
Posted Nov 19, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Birmingham CHRISTMAS Street market
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words so to continue from yesterday's post my visit to Birmingham's Christmas street market was also an excellent day out.
The wonderful Lights and the Tower of the Christmas Bar from the crossroads. New Street Christmas Lights and the crowds, there are many stalls stuffed with seasonal goods, plenty to eat and drink, I enjoyed it immensely.
And for a quiet break the cathedral is nearby and worth a visit,. A realy nice day out.
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Latest reply: Nov 19, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Christmas is coming
Posted Nov 18, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
Christmas is coming
About this time of year with people preparing madly for Christmas, I tend to think of past Christmas holidays. The strongest memory is about the time of year we always visited Winchester as a family.
Wandering round the shops tea and cakes in ihe warm tea shops near the cathedral. The famous focal point of Winchester is the bronze statue of King Alfred in Winchester>. Alfred was introduced to me by my father so it is always a special memory. I can't think of Alfred without visualising him in the evening lit by street lamps, and in falling snow. Hords of christmas shoppers walking past.
Then a visit to the cathedral. It always seemed to snow it was always quite deep as we walked over the snow on the cathedral green, and there was always something going on. Music drifting from the shops and if you were lucky the cathedral choir would be singing.
It always has an Edwardian flavour, safe and pleasant, then and now it is unchanging a wonderful start for the Christmas season.
Hope that everyone has a special place like Winchester and everyone has happy christma memories
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Latest reply: Nov 18, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Misplaced and unfair religious intolerance?
Posted Nov 16, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
Misplaced and unfair religious intolerance.
It is understandable that there is some justifiable ill feeling towards IS in Europe now, and this had brought about some unjustified distrust of the Muslim community worldwide. But the feeling that all Muslims are to blame is growing.
Trust has been a casualty, there are now becoming openly hostile? a hairdresser who refuses Muslim clients, a frightened woman living in Wales now feels concerned by verbal abuse, in every example it is simply unfair individuals should not feel vulnerable. Is the good nature of the english being eroded by suspicion. Or is the media looking for stories, how can we stop this and where do we go from here.
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Latest reply: Nov 16, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle misplaced religious hate
Posted Nov 16, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
Misplaced religious intolerance?
It is understandable that there is some justifiable ill feeling towards IS in Europe now and this had brought about some distrust of the Muslim community worldwide. But the feeling that all Muslims are to blame is growing.
Trust has been a casualty, there are now becoming openly hostile? a hairdresser who refuses Muslim clients, a frightened woman living in Wales now feels concerned by verbal abuse, in every example it is simply unfair individuals should not feel vulnerable. Is the good nature of the english being eroded by suspicion. Or is the media looking for stories, where do we go from here.
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Latest reply: Nov 16, 2015
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