This is a Journal entry by bobstafford

NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Christmas is coming

Post 1


NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle

Christmas is coming

About this time of year with people preparing madly for Christmas, I tend to think of past Christmas holidays. The strongest memory is about the time of year we always visited Winchester as a family.
Wandering round the shops tea and cakes in ihe warm tea shops near the cathedral. The famous focal point of Winchester is the bronze statue of King Alfred in Winchester>. Alfred was introduced to me by my father so it is always a special memory. I can't think of Alfred without visualising him in the evening lit by street lamps, and in falling snow. Hords of christmas shoppers walking past.

Then a visit to the cathedral. It always seemed to snow it was always quite deep as we walked over the snow on the cathedral green, and there was always something going on. Music drifting from the shops and if you were lucky the cathedral choir would be singing.

It always has an Edwardian flavour, safe and pleasant, then and now it is unchanging a wonderful start for the Christmas season.

Hope that everyone has a special place like Winchester and everyone has happy christma memories

NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Christmas is coming

Post 2

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Christmas is coming

Post 3


The Winchester Christmas market starts tomorrow!

I did the Winchester Santa Run last year - a 5k run through the streets of Winchester dressed as Father Christmassmiley - santa. That was fun.

I wouldn't go to Winchester at the weekend at this time of year, though. Far too crowded to be enjoyable.


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