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NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford Woolands
Posted Nov 6, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
getting cold
Out on my walk today, I have noticed a distinct drop in temperature out on the open country lately, noticeably warmer in town. With all the talk of a foul winter in our corner of the world.
We make such a fuss about the extremes here but other countries suffer much worse.
I enjoy the cold more the hot weather a walk in the Autumn is much more enjoyable. And prior to the hunt ban following the hunt (not interested in the hunt but it was a spectacle, Drag hunting is to predictable) was a good excuse to get out and brave the weather.
The oak woods in the forest was wonderful today even though the weather kept other people at home (good).
The New Forest in the winter is probably the best of all but I don't get to visit much as its to far since my last move.
I did get a chance to walk through the Ardennes forest not long ago and that is magnificent, the wildlife is abundant and even though it is beautifully kept it has that unmanaged feel.
Depending on the weather off again to the forests again tomorrow Cannock Chase bring the closest.
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Latest reply: Nov 6, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
Posted Nov 4, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
Star Gazing
Star gazing is not what I would call a passion but I have a north(ish) facing Velux type skylight in the loft, and thought I would try taking photographs of the night sky with the aid of a telescope.
The point is I am not sure if the skylight is facing in an appropriate direction for taking photos of the night sky. So its off to the WWW to trawl or information.
However it sure beats trudging around outside freezing and getting inevitably damp. And getting some very ordinary images
The council turn off the street lighting off at night so that will make things a lot better, but who knows what results can be expected. But the images are the main thing, the thing is a decent long lens or use a telescope attachment and what sort of scope to buy, some traders are not as reliable as the can be.
Still off to hunt down the information.
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Latest reply: Nov 4, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
Posted Nov 3, 2015
Very slow day today even the cats were boring and were very well behaved. The problem is even when they are genuinely being good you can't quite believe it, and feel obliged to check.
Cats are quiet at the two extremes A.really serious evil deeds, some smaller animal becomes seriously and messy terminated, or ripping 7 bells out of some piece of furniture that had so far escaped claw sharpening duty
B. The problem is bother it,when they are content happily dozing, that is normally is a result of activity A.
Cat toys last just seconds I take more time tidying up than destruction, its amazing how far debris is discovered from the epicenter.
Kebabs for tea today that was a high spot and managed to finish before the cats turned up for tasters, that was tough
So that was it just preparing for well overdue decorating to do, and better start to get ready for Christmas that will come sooner than I think.
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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
Posted Nov 2, 2015
Its strange how on some days things go right (more than others) I just wandered into an old antique workshop/yard with an attached shop. nothing out of the ordinary but moderately interesting.
The yard piled high with wrought iron garden furniture bunches, fence panels and tables, there was some lumber in a corner that was duly inspected.
The shop was packed with wardrobes tables old prints and the usual allsorts of varying degrees of interest. You never know what there is but normally it is little more than just interesting.
Today was a little different I noticed a box of VHS tapes of the Inspector Morse series "you can have those" said the owner, thanks mate.
Then I asked about a 2ft square of 2 inch thick rough sawn oak I need for a project "you can have that" excellent.
Then in curiosity I picked up a very dusty old pistol dusted it off it was a gem of a 9 inch octagonal barrel, percussion lock, gentleman's travelling pistol, in steel brass and mahogany and in probably good firing condition. How much "you can have that for £140" must admit it's VERY TEMPTING, keep telling myself its an investment.
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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
Posted Nov 1, 2015
As a first timer, this feels like launching a Message in a bottle. Why? well its tough to know where this will end up, as like as not it shall drift unread for centuries.
Have you ever wondered why nature played a joke on cats giving them the ability to climb up but not down. Cats stuck up trees are amusing to start but the novelty soon wears off. The plaintive howling was at first amusing, 16 ft up but not brave enough to jump down.
After about an hour trying to get it down, a resorting to other means was necessary. Other more direct approaches considered were? high pressure water jet to knock him off his perch, perhaps not vets not open today.
Ladder no branch to thin and hospital not open so thats a no.
eureka in the garage were some empty cardboard boxes so if the ground level is raised sherpa catsing might jump for it.
Having put several boxes together took the first two out to the tree, now there are TWO little b*****s the second now up there had gone up to see what what problem was? now he had found out the hard way.
One good thing the slender limb ass bent a foot lower to the ground with two cats on it (imagine two survivors clinging to an upturned boat).
Boxes distributed as a landing zone, come on then jump.
Both cats look down with an expression that said, "Your kidding that's way too far to jump"!
Things do have a way of sorting things out however, suddenly heavy one of the pair slips and with a howl falls from the branch. The sudden weight reduction the branch shoots up and catapults the other into the air the scream lasted all the way down.
Both hit the boxes within three seconds thud thud. I left them in the boxes, arguing about whose fault it was
NB: no injuries pride was a bit bent though.
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Latest reply: Nov 1, 2015
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