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This is interesting
Posted Aug 3, 2015
This is interesting
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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2015
Posted Jul 23, 2015
The UK faces a bill of millions for guarding its borders from immigrants!
Owing to the lack of a strong policy (if there is a policy) of refusing entry and withholding all but support, as is the case in other countries it is little wonder the UK is targeted.
What can be done to sort this problem out, the northern counties will soon be full.
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Latest reply: Jul 23, 2015
PM Presses Case For RAF Strikes In Syria
Posted Jul 19, 2015
PM Presses Case For RAF Strikes In Syria
Well it will not stop at Syria and it may stars small but it will escalate, it will end with us having to use all the weapons in our disposal.
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Latest reply: Jul 19, 2015
10% Rise
Posted Jul 16, 2015
When are you getting a 10% Rise they must now allow everyone else a rise of the same size
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Latest reply: Jul 16, 2015
What is the strangest thing or things you have done
Posted Jul 14, 2015
What is the strangest thing or things you have done, at work or play unusual, things that very few people do, or very few people might what to do. Lawful stuff please.
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Latest reply: Jul 14, 2015
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