Journal Entries
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
Posted Nov 29, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle A question of pedigree
29. 11 2015
A question of pedigree
It is 2060 years ago that the first group of Roman tourists ended their vacation in southern Britain. But they were not the first the celtic tribes were the first invaders. The Celtic tribes invaded from Europe after 800 BC thats 750 years before the Roman invasions, so their claim to be the indigenous inhabitants of Britain appear unfounded less than 100 generations.
So who were the original inhabitants the true eastern europeans (were they also Celts it seems unlikely). The first peoples of the western isles who were there from the dawn of history have the best claim (If any).
The remnants of the pre Roman population who arrived circa 2860 BC who withdrew into west and north were fortunate as the Romans regard the areas to be of little worth, and did not bother to take invade it, and they had 375 years to make their minds up.
So the move to separate states within the UK appears to be built on some frail foundations, do we need is more politicians and the expense of layers of local government officials.
The question of ownership of the land is already established beyond dispute its on the property deeds, is it all political, just people wanting to replace Westminster, It makes you think.
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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Just 2 more days to go
Posted Nov 29, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Just 2 more days to go
28. 11 2015
We are just two more posts away from the end of the NaJoPoMo it has been interesting to say the least.
Finding subjects to comment upon is an odd discipline to get used to, it came as a surprise that the Vietnam War was in full swing, concord was still undergoing wind tunnel tests and the new television/telephone is on display in Stuttgart the International Radio Exhibition, West Germany.
It just seems that period was more interesting than today, there was more happening.
I suppose it all looked more impressive as they were less frequent events. Now we get seem to get more advances in a week than we did in a year (50 years ago).
Mind you things have advanced but not always for the better, we have so many gadgets that we have to do less and think less is it to easy.
Car driving in a older car is somehow more exciting (if that's the right word) you had to be more skillful to drive them, todays cars do so much for you and are far safer. Mind you they were bloomin uncomfortable over a long distance, and cold and noisy the list goes on.
I suppose I am saying that things are more comfortable and safer now, in the past things were not as safe and comfortable, but more interesting though.
As an experiment once we joined a project living in the 1600's it was summer and the kit and furniture (and bedding was straw mattresses). It was very uncomfortable but interesting as after a month it started to feel normal, the bugs were a problem though.
If you get a chance do have a go... its an experience not soon forgotten.
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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle it is not as easy as it looks
Posted Nov 28, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle it is not as easy as it looks
27. 11 2015
I have been familiar with NaJoPoMo for a few years and had been tempted to join in for some time.
Well its harder than it looks as I am not a diary keeper never have been, I found a 1971 diary I was given that Christmas not a word well, perhaps a couple of birthdays noted and a few phone numbers and thats about it.
Samuel Pepys has nothing to be concerned about me spoiling his reputation. It's finding something to say or just plain laziness, as there was plenty going on.
That diary should have noted my first flight in a light aircraft, that was a brilliant experience, I married the other passenger so that was an important note that was not put to paper.
There was plenty going on so there were no excuse, a lot more than most people ever get to experience horses, hunting and teaching advanced equitation and other thingsshhh , all due to the jobs I was doing in the UK and Spain and back in the UK. All that and still single what were the words Blackadder used oh yes woof woof.
So what makes a diarist an interesting life helps, I suppose everyone has important events and interesting experiences, but what makes some people write it down and others commit their life to memory.
It did occur to me that is by some technological miracle this site survives it will eventually serve as some sort of diary, a record of a community that revered knowledge, community and companionship. Let us hope it has a long future.
I might even do it again next year if the rest of you can stand it.
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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Its a Small World
Posted Nov 26, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Its a Small World
26. 11 2015
It appears that not only did I have an ancestor who ran a pub in Kent, and broke the law by doing a tiny bit of smuggling. The interesting thing that came to light was that Icy replied "my ancestor was a customs officer from Kent".
Thats a small world, I like the connection, just need an Australian researcher to say that they are related to the old smuggler.
I find it interesting the way connections appear are there any coincidental connections on HooToo I wonder.
And of course the request for anyone else who has stories from their family history to join in.
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Latest reply: Nov 26, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Interesting Ancestors
Posted Nov 26, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle Interesting Ancestors
25. 11 2015
It appears that I have an ancestor who ran a pub in Kent. My father found out the history some years ago, my grandmother's maiden name was Ransley, she was regarded as being from a well known family.
Her family was originally from the Deal area and a close relation George Ransley ran a pub in the area called the Bourne Tap.
Like any good businessman he had grasped the principal buy cheap and sell high. this applied to wine and spirits as much as any commodity. Living on the kent coast the best source of a cheap supply was smuggling.
He was supplied by a large gang in the area and after a time became deeply involved, to such an extent that after a customs raid called "the battle of Brookland" he became the leader of the gang.
After a little matter when a customs officer was accidently on purpose shot through the head, and was arrested for murder. Owing it the efforts of a brilliant lawyer he avoided a hanging, but he won himself a trip to Tasmania (in chains). However he was pardoned and established a family and ended up owning a 500 acre farm, surrounded by a large and happy family.
Anyone else have stories from their family history
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Latest reply: Nov 26, 2015
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