This is the Message Centre for bubster
Spanner Started conversation Oct 28, 1999
Alright then
Here we go again
What I can see
Begins with a D
And frequently corrects me.
and that's about the limit of my rhyming ability.
hey does anyone know if bubster's clocks show NZ on purpose or if it just a happy coincidence?
Anonymouse Posted Oct 28, 1999
Really wasn't a need to start a new thread but that's okay. (We start a new one when the old one gets too long and takes up too much time to load.
Anyway, I've only got two guesses:
Dictionary and Dad.
Cookie Monster Posted Oct 28, 1999
Dear oh dear, dilemna...
was it really such a breeze? Or just a tease?
I'll try these just for the heck of it!
Dietary consultant?
Debt corrector?
Drugs? (medicinal purposes only!!!!)
oh, and Bubster was right with sunblock, sorry Spanner,
tried to give you a clue!
The clocks on my page
bubster Posted Oct 29, 1999
The minute hand is frequently correct, but the rest is subject to the subtle and mysterious stirrings of the winds and flapping of the wings of butterflies in China and so forth. They always show (on my browser) the correct times for me and my - dare I say, pals? Apparently I dare - my pals. The accuracy of the times they show on other people's computers is questionable.
The clocks on my page
Spanner Posted Oct 29, 1999
okay, i'm obviously too good at giving clues, and you're all way too good at guessing - it was indeed dictionary - so sorry that was so lame.
I Spy - M
Anonymouse Posted Oct 29, 1999
Ah.. Then I assume that passes the baton on to me.
*peers around room* ... I do spy, with my wee widdle eye, something which an M begins.
I Spy - M
Zed Posted Oct 29, 1999
'tis a mousehole you see
or being silly are we?
that's far too obvious
for obtuse anonymouse
a window, a weirdo,
a widget with bad hairdo?
a clue, to end the pain
this game causes in my brain!
I Spy - M
Cookie Monster Posted Oct 29, 1999
Could it be mirror?
or maybe me?
Which would be you,
as the case may be!
marathon men?
mickey mouse/minnie?
MICE? is your family home?
music box?
magic wand?
I Spy - M
Anonymouse Posted Oct 29, 1999
Good guesses, all,
Congrats to you,
But none correct.
Yet still no clue.
I'd give you one,
But alas and woe,
I'm all tied up
And now must go.
I Spy - M
Cookie Monster Posted Oct 29, 1999
A monitor maybe,
or mouse pad instead,
hmmm it's late
and i'm off to bed!
How do you make the dracula smiley?
:-m ? :-w ?
I Spy - M
cafram - in the states. Posted Oct 30, 1999
Trippy haloween smileys!!
what's the fish though? that. obviously.
happy man? sad?
oO0Oohhh!! Spesh-ul!!
I Spy - M
Spanner Posted Oct 30, 1999
Mello Yello
Milo (do you have that over there? maybe you call it ovaltine, in which case it doesn't start with m, oh well)
I Spy - M
cafram - in the states. Posted Oct 30, 1999
Magic Mr Mistophalise?
MoneymonemoneyMakes the world go.....R0Oound (moneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoney) (that would be a Monty Python song, in case people cared)
Miss-Matched Museli bars?
Martial arts?
Michalanglo? (the painter guy, not the turtle)
Mom? (if you happen to be aMerican)
I Spy - M
Anonymouse Posted Oct 31, 1999
The M is none of those, I fear.
The M could be a Method but
It's not that either, but it is.
M has you all tied in knots -- tut tut.
I Spy - M
Anonymouse Posted Oct 31, 1999
Nope, nope, nope.
Review the clues.
Sometimes when you think there's none
There's actually a few.
I Spy - M
bubster Posted Oct 31, 1999
I haope we're not going for Macrame here because - well, that would just be sad. There may be Madness in your Method, however, so Macrame it Must be.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Spanner (Oct 28, 1999)
- 2: Anonymouse (Oct 28, 1999)
- 3: cafram - in the states. (Oct 28, 1999)
- 4: Cookie Monster (Oct 28, 1999)
- 5: bubster (Oct 29, 1999)
- 6: Spanner (Oct 29, 1999)
- 7: Anonymouse (Oct 29, 1999)
- 8: Zed (Oct 29, 1999)
- 9: Cookie Monster (Oct 29, 1999)
- 10: Anonymouse (Oct 29, 1999)
- 11: Cookie Monster (Oct 29, 1999)
- 12: cafram - in the states. (Oct 30, 1999)
- 13: Spanner (Oct 30, 1999)
- 14: cafram - in the states. (Oct 30, 1999)
- 15: Anonymouse (Oct 31, 1999)
- 16: Spanner (Oct 31, 1999)
- 17: Spanner (Oct 31, 1999)
- 18: Anonymouse (Oct 31, 1999)
- 19: bubster (Oct 31, 1999)
- 20: cafram - in the states. (Nov 1, 1999)
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