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I Spy C
Anonymouse Posted Nov 16, 1999
Closer? With Clusters, Cloistered monks, or Clarinets?
CD player? NIN Closer single? Clear-headed Chartruese Caberet singers? Clairvoiant? (Uhm.. do you think I could get a reading? )
I Spy C
cafram - in the states. Posted Nov 17, 1999
CD player has it.
I just don't have the energy for this anymore!
I Spy C
Spanner Posted Nov 21, 1999
not got brain in thinking gear this evening
I Spy C
Anonymouse Posted Nov 23, 1999
Nope. The two inside my door are now not, but I still spy the ones outside.
I Spy W
Anonymouse Posted Dec 13, 1999
And resurecting old but not forgotten threads...
Nope, not walrus, but it's not plant or mineral, so...
I Spy W
cafram - in the states. Posted Dec 13, 1999
Isn't that Animal VEGETABLE mineral, not plant?
witchety grub?
I Spy W
Anonymouse Posted Dec 15, 1999
Yes, veggie. Either way, it ain't.
Uhm... Caffie.. Why would I keep a woman outside my door? And oh.. The two aren't inside anymore, either, but I still see several outside my windows.
Amazingly they're currently silent.
I Spy W
cafram - in the states. Posted Dec 15, 1999
Willow trees (inside your house...?)
Wood Peckers (or did I already say that?)
ermmm...Wedge-Tailed Eagles?
Some people do strange things with us females, and it's not totally unheard of for us to be used as garden ornamnts...
I Spy W
Anonymouse Posted Feb 16, 2000
Well, just in case, I'll let you all know that this has been...
left unsolved.
And the W's are still outside my door, just not as many of them.
(Is that the last of these? )
I Spy W
Aerol Nex (currently, more or less, a glowing blue ghost) Posted Mar 3, 2000
Against one wall is a mirror.
*Hmmm ... I like mirrors.*
One of the mirrors started rippling, as of water which someone has dropped a stone in. Through it stepped a tall, youngish man with hair that seemed disarrayed, yet stylish. He was wearing a blue jumpsuit. He wore around his neck a medallion showing a yellow circle, a black plus sign, and in the upper-right and lower-left quadrants, a white circle; in the upper-left and lower-right quadrants, a black circle. His name is Aerol Nex.
He says, "Greetings."
I Spy W
cafram - in the states. Posted Mar 8, 2000
An entrance such as that, and you say 'Greetings'?!
Surely you could have come up with something slightly more imaginative than that.....!
I Spy W
Aerol Nex (currently, more or less, a glowing blue ghost) Posted Mar 8, 2000
Aerol folded his arms and said, "Well, what would YOU have said?"
I Spy W
Anonymouse Posted Mar 9, 2000
*BING* Yes! We have a winner! Wolves is exactly what I have at my door (and at other various points in my 'yard'), though the two who were on my porch now have new homes, as they were young ones.
Aero? You really need to work on that entrance. It worked fine in the fun house, but not everywhere has a mirror.
I Spy W
Aerol Nex (currently, more or less, a glowing blue ghost) Posted Mar 9, 2000
"Don't worry," said Aerol. "I'm going to shortly pick up a Schrodinger's Box. There's more use to them than the cat thing!"
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I Spy C
- 41: cafram - in the states. (Nov 14, 1999)
- 42: Spanner (Nov 15, 1999)
- 43: Anonymouse (Nov 16, 1999)
- 44: cafram - in the states. (Nov 17, 1999)
- 45: Anonymouse (Nov 20, 1999)
- 46: Spanner (Nov 21, 1999)
- 47: Anonymouse (Nov 23, 1999)
- 48: cafram - in the states. (Dec 13, 1999)
- 49: Anonymouse (Dec 13, 1999)
- 50: cafram - in the states. (Dec 13, 1999)
- 51: Anonymouse (Dec 15, 1999)
- 52: cafram - in the states. (Dec 15, 1999)
- 53: cafram - in the states. (Dec 15, 1999)
- 54: Anonymouse (Feb 16, 2000)
- 55: bubster (Feb 16, 2000)
- 56: Aerol Nex (currently, more or less, a glowing blue ghost) (Mar 3, 2000)
- 57: cafram - in the states. (Mar 8, 2000)
- 58: Aerol Nex (currently, more or less, a glowing blue ghost) (Mar 8, 2000)
- 59: Anonymouse (Mar 9, 2000)
- 60: Aerol Nex (currently, more or less, a glowing blue ghost) (Mar 9, 2000)
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