Edited Entries
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ID | Title | Created |
A311158 | Candy Floss | Jul 6, 2000 |
A338825 | Oddities of English | Jun 21, 2000 |
A309494 | Owain Glyndwr (Owen Glendower) | Jun 15, 2000 |
A224623 | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Jun 15, 2000 |
A292880 | 'The Straight Dope' by Cecil Adams | Jun 14, 2000 |
A263594 | Beach Boys - the Band | Jun 8, 2000 |
A306839 | Operating Systems | May 22, 2000 |
A306965 | Gettysburg Address | May 22, 2000 |
A272639 | Miami, Florida, USA | Apr 6, 2000 |
A283367 | Fried Stuffed Potatoes - 'Papas Rellenas' | Apr 6, 2000 |
A284528 | Raspberry | Apr 6, 2000 |
A550955 | My Vision for H2G2, by Douglas Adams | Apr 3, 2000 |
A276888 | Superheroes | Mar 30, 2000 |
A288533 | Historical Re-enactment | Mar 29, 2000 |
A279731 | How to Drink in Utah | Mar 21, 2000 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."