Journal Entries

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

So just where have I been for the last week or so?

Actually I have been lying on a sofa watching daytime TV, suffering with an infected leg for the third time in 9 months. Do you think my body is trying to tell me something?

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Latest reply: Sep 13, 2000

Can you believe it?

I have just sent an email out to the Scouts with plagiarism spelt wrongly all the way through it! smiley - blush

My spelling is appalling!

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Latest reply: Aug 31, 2000

The weekend

Well I went on a fascinating London Walk on Saturday, guided by Alan who was brilliant! It was about Spies and Spycatchers and concentrated on the Cambridge Ring of Five (Philby, Burgess, Maclaine, Cairncross and Blunt). It leaves from Piccadilly Circus at 2.30 every Saturday and takes about 2 hours. If you are in the capital I really suggest you take it - it is well worth it.

I also visited the National Portrait Gallery and had a yummy lunch in their rooftop restaurant which has brilliant views of Trafalgar Square and Whitehall. There is a good exhibition of medical and scientific portraits in the basement which includes a Bath Oliver biscuit (because of Dr Oliver's portrait in the centre). So all in all it was a very cultural weekend.

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Latest reply: Aug 21, 2000

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Dear Sir

I am writing to say how much I approve of your efforts to reduce the management structure of the Beeb and devolve power back to the programme makers.

Yours etc etc

PS Please can we have more coverage of Matthew Pinsent on an ergo with his top off - *goes slack jawed and cross eyed.* smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Aug 8, 2000


I have been given the most beautiful decorative glass bracelet and it includes what is unmistakably a purple babel fish. DNA's influence gets everywhere! smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Aug 2, 2000

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