This is a Journal entry by Abi

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 21



Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 22

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Well just watch it, or I'll tell everyone you were conceived in the same month that I was born. smiley - tongueout

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 23


Well she hasn't been spitting...

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 24

I'm not really here

You're making me feel old now. smiley - sadface

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 25


*hugs* Mina...

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 26

I'm not really here

Thanks Joanna, and did I hear you whisper, "you're not old."?

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 27

Demon Drawer

Well it's my birhtday next Tuesday so there. smiley - smiley

Good to see Abi out and about again, we did miss you. smiley - smiley

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 28

I'm not really here

~writes in diary~

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