This is a Journal entry by Abi

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 1


So just where have I been for the last week or so?

Actually I have been lying on a sofa watching daytime TV, suffering with an infected leg for the third time in 9 months. Do you think my body is trying to tell me something?

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 2

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I think you have to consider that possibility.
Are you feeling better?

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 3


kind off - the antibiotics have knocked me sideways though. I missed you lot. smiley - smiley

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 4

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*imagines Abi being hit on the side of the head by a bottle of pills*
We missed you too. smiley - smiley

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 5


Thought you'd got that horse and gone riding into the sunset smiley - bigeyes

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 6


*looks wistful*

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 7


So what did you do to your leg or can it not be repeated on a family website?

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 8


I don't know - the infection just got in there

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 9


Oh dear. Is it better now?

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 10


*sympathy* I hope you managed to steer clear of BBC Daily... or at least, 'real rakeovers'...

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 11


Yes I watched Antonio Banderas in the Viking flick 'The Thirteenth Warrior' 5 times and 'The Mummy' 4 times. smiley - smiley

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 12

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Huh, it's nothing but repeats on telly these days. smiley - smiley

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 13


EV.... do you really want me to make yet another 'doubtless it wasn't like that in Your day' comment?? smiley - winkeye

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 14

I'm not really here

'scuse me for butting in, but both those films are worth watching umpteen times, just for the leading men.

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 15


go on Joanna - take the rip out of the ancient git! smiley - winkeye

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 16


okay...smiley - winkeye

Well I suppose there couldn't have been repeats in your day- TV hadn't been around long enough to have enough stock of recorded programs smiley - tongueout

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 17


And I didn't think they had recording equipment back then smiley - winkeye

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 18


I agree Mina wholeheatedly! smiley - smiley

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 19

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Excuse me, doesn't "take the rip out of the ancient git" contravene the h2g2 terms and conditions in some way?

Hold on - where am I? Who am I?

Post 20


*looks innocent*

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