This is a Journal entry by Abi

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Post 1


Dear Sir

I am writing to say how much I approve of your efforts to reduce the management structure of the Beeb and devolve power back to the programme makers.

Yours etc etc

PS Please can we have more coverage of Matthew Pinsent on an ergo with his top off - *goes slack jawed and cross eyed.* smiley - winkeye

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Post 2

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh look Abi, there's a letter for you!
*opens letter and reads it even though it's not addressed to him*

Dear Ms Sawyer,

Thank you for your recent correspondence. You may be interested to know that we intend to launch a new digital channel in the autumn which will be dedicated to exactly this sort of thing. I shall be glad to send you further details of BBC Beefcake nearer to the launch date.

Love, Greggy-baby.

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Post 3


Oh if only it were true! smiley - smiley

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Post 4

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Well you should write to the BBC and let them know - after all, you pay your licence fee.
You do pay your licence fee, don't you?

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Post 5


I do - my flatmates don't. (Quite tempted to shop them most of the time! smiley - winkeye)

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Post 6

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I think you just did. smiley - winkeye

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Post 7


I pay for mine on a handy direct debit scheme! smiley - smiley

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Post 8


Greg Dyke used to be the managing director of the company I worked at before he left for the job with the Beeb. He's actually a very nice, down to earth guy. I've loads of respect for people like him, a self made millionare from a working class background. He gave me a rather sweaty faced kiss at the Christmas party a couple of years ago - which was rather grim, millionare or no millionare! My (slightly mad and very drunk) friend was jealous I got a kiss so she went up to him and tried to stick her tounge in his mouth (yeugh!)

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Post 9


Blimey! Still if you can't do that sort of thing when you are drunk...! smiley - winkeye

An Open Letter to Greg Dyke, Director General, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Post 10


Oh I'm sure she would have tried even if she were sober. It was hilarious, he kept his jaw clenched and teeth together so she couldn't get through. He's got a sense of humour but that was verging on sexual assault!

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