Journal Entries

ooohhh look!!!!

Lots of lovely new features. Finally the next issue of Ripley goes live! Fantastic! Look easier to navigate forums and threads! smiley - smiley

I am also reunited with my beloved power book which my colleague Sam took home for the weekend. I got to use Sam's which wasn't quite the same smiley - sadface Besides his ergonomic keyboard and mouse is encrusted in stuff unknown to science! X-P

I think he is growing Penicilin on there! smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Jul 25, 2000

A Productive Afternoon

Continued my work on subliminal messages and the effects there of, by making the others in the meeting we were having, talk about moose for a good twenty minutes.

Excellent work methinks! smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2000

St Swithin's revenge

Well this morning was fun. I woke up to find the flat swimming in water. I was aware of this when I awoke to find Icklest Mouse had constructed a catamaran out of matches and was embracing a life on the ocean blue by sailing up and down the hall. (or was that the cheese I ate last night?)

Any way, plumber, bill and finally work. I love coming to work on a Double Decker bus. Though I have to say Hyde Park looked inviting despite the artic conditions

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Latest reply: Jul 7, 2000

Life's eternal mysteries?

So how come when my hairdresser blowdries it - it looks like a kooky Meg Ryan / Natalie Imbruglia grown out crop and when I do it, it looks like an electrocuted cat on my head?

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Latest reply: Jul 3, 2000

Pony Heaven!

I had a really glorious weekend. Took my dog Henry to meet another Flat coated
Retriever, Daisy on Saturday. Daisy is very impressed with Henry and has got a
bit of a crush of him. Henry is 13 and is feeling that he cannot keep up with
her! Daisy was very keen to show him all her favourite places when we went out
for a walk and galloped ahead and then turned and waited for H to keep up!!! Ahhh.

Sunday I went with Daisy's owner to get her Dartmoor pony, Pip ready to go on
loan for a year. I used to groom for this lady in my Gap year. She does
carriage driving, but at present doesn't have the time to do Pip justice. So he
is going to a lovely home for a year to get really fit and then he is coming home
next summer.

Pip is lovely - bright bay and fat as a butterball! I spent a couple of hours
sprucing him up before he left. Hopefully this year won't take too long to go past!

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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2000

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