Journal Entries

Open University

Thanks to H2G2A/S rekindling an interest in Astronomy I was thumbing through an astronomy journal where I found that the Open University were offering short courses in the subject.
A couple of months ago I took the plunge and signed up to 'test the water' to see what it would involve. The course promised an easy and interesting introduction to the subject to be covered over the period of two to four months.
I was a bit taken aback when I learned that the course involved 200 hours of study...Eeek!!!
Today I received the course material, two books, a video and reams of paper that I have yet to work through
Anyhoo... the die is cast, so I may not be around for a while...
In the meantime, All the best
A.M. smiley - stargazing, smiley - planetspotting and generally smiley - moonstruck

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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2001

The Eden Project

6 August 2001. Tick.

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Latest reply: Aug 12, 2001


As a long standing devotee of Goo I have rarely forayed into the realms of Alabaster. Goo has always appeared clearer in format but maybe that's only because I'm more aquainted with it.
The one critisism I have of goo is that the personal diary always appears as a silly long column that takes up yards of space if anything longer than a short note is made on a daily basis.
Alabaster's diary is much more readable as it covers the width of the page. I'm persevering with Alabaster at the moment to see if it encourages a daily entry.
The ideal as far as I'm concerned , would be Goo with Alabaster's daily log.

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Latest reply: Aug 11, 2001

Planet Suite

A moon: smiley - moon
Mars smiley - mars
A crescent moon: smiley - crescentmoon

Great Aye ?

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Latest reply: Jul 11, 2001

Just Found

I just found a smiley - rocket and a smiley - planet

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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2001

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