This is a Journal entry by Deek

Open University

Post 1


Thanks to H2G2A/S rekindling an interest in Astronomy I was thumbing through an astronomy journal where I found that the Open University were offering short courses in the subject.
A couple of months ago I took the plunge and signed up to 'test the water' to see what it would involve. The course promised an easy and interesting introduction to the subject to be covered over the period of two to four months.
I was a bit taken aback when I learned that the course involved 200 hours of study...Eeek!!!
Today I received the course material, two books, a video and reams of paper that I have yet to work through
Anyhoo... the die is cast, so I may not be around for a while...
In the meantime, All the best
A.M. smiley - stargazing, smiley - planetspotting and generally smiley - moonstruck

Open University

Post 2


smiley - wowBe interested to hear how you get on with the course. Thought the undergrad level course looked interesting... don't think I've seen the 'short' course though. Sounds good.smiley - star

Open University

Post 3


Hi there, how you doing? smiley - smiley
Yeh its a really good introductory type course. It's a 'Science Short Course' and the number is S194. It seems to be a new thing for OU as far as I can make out. You can probably tell how much work there is as it only scores 10 points.
The work isn't too hard as I've had an interest in the subject for some time so I 'know' some of it but it explains a lot I didn't know and goes into some depth.
This is my first experience of OU and I thought I'd have a try at it to see how things go and how well I cope with it as it's something I've toyed with the thought of doing for a long time. I get two choices when to send in the end of course assessment, end of Oct or Jan. So far it looks like Jan. I've got to make up my mind yet whether I want to go further.. I dunno yet
All the best
A.M.smiley - moon

Open University

Post 4


Hey A.M.smiley - hug

You get points for short courses now? Does that mean you can start adding them up towards a degree? That would be good.smiley - smiley

Are you still time-limited with this course then (I know you said Oct or Jan) or can you take as long as you like, within reason? Is it just an end of course assessment, or are there assignments too?smiley - yikes

Pardon all the questions.smiley - winkeye It's been a couple of years since I last did an OU course, and it sounds like there's been a lot of changes. Always liked the look of some of those short courses, but didn't like the idea of having nothing to show for it at the end. Oh well... only another 180 points to go to my BSc...

Hope the course goes well for you. The OU can be kinda addictive, if you have time. So many courses to do...smiley - bigeyes

Catch you around.smiley - cuddle

Sus xx

Open University

Post 5


Hi 'Sus smiley - smiley
Yeh, a pass on this course gives 10 pts that can be used towards a degree (BA or BSc.)
It just has an end of course assessment, I have a choice of two dates to finish. If you're a quick worker I can send in the one for Oct and that's it. I'm not that quick, too much time on h2. I'll be sending in the assmnt for Jan. but it has to be in by then.. no leeway.
I'm not sure of the terminology, but if assignment means sending in regular pieces of work for assessment/marking(?) then no, the s/c doesn't have that to do. I don't think it's 'that' serious, just a taster to get you hooked.
I'd really like to give a degree a shot but I'm not sure if I could cope. In particular maths is not a strong pointsmiley - sadface
Other than the 10pt I don't know what comes at the end, hopefully a fully illuminated diploma on vellum, but I doubt it.
I didn't realise you were into this. Can I be nosey and ask what courses have you done?
A.M. smiley - hug
(Only 310 points to go)

Open University

Post 6


S102, U206, U208... those are the ones I completed.smiley - winkeye *waves diploma in the air*smiley - biggrin

Started and failed to complete T171, M206, er... probably some others.smiley - blush Main reason being lack of computer access/computer problems at the time.

Want to go on and finish my degree (had originally planned to get it finished two years back!), but am not taking any OU courses at present. I am doing C&G photography at local art college though. Also really want to get on some computer courses (programming/web design). Think I'd do better in the classroom for that though, as I tend to procrastinate a lot at home, and get easily distracted...

Er... what was I saying?

I like the sound of these short courses though. Might have to look into that further. Have toyed with the idea of doing another OU course next year, but find the Feb to Oct running rather inconvenient. Would much rather start a course in September. Don't suppose you know whether they've progressed that idea any further yet?

Speaking of spending too long heresmiley - online2long Really must go and rejoin the real world again. Nice to hear from you.smiley - smiley

smiley - hugSus xx

Open University

Post 7


Don't suppose you'll see this in time, but I thought it might interest you:

[Mods - theses are BBC links!smiley - winkeye] - live webcast today at 11.30am, from space, docking to ISS.

Other links (just in case you haven't already discovered them):
- BBC 'Space' message board. - to subscribe to the space newsletter.

Happy surfing.smiley - aliensmile

Sus xx

Open University

Post 8


Hi 'Sus.
Thanks very much for the links, they're great. smiley - smiley
I'm already into the space (and astronomy and space weather) mail lists but I haven't seen the beeb one... I've got some more reading to do it seems thanks.
I missed the 'docking' though.. work gets in the way!
A.M.smiley - rocket
(Thanks mods)smiley - ok

Open University

Post 9


smiley - biggrin

I missed the webcast myself, though it sounded interesting. I'm sure the Beeb will repeat some footage though.smiley - winkeye

smiley - hugSus xx

Open University

Post 10


Hi agin 'Sus
Re the short courses, I don't know if this helps but if you haven't already found it there's an OU page referring to the Science SC's it's
[url removed by moderator] There's a phone and ref No for more details/info pack: 01908 659521 ref SFBSC1
(It's ok msr moderator 'cause it's a beeb associated site smiley - smiley )
Courses include:
S190 Global warming
S191 Food & Health
S193 Fossil history of Life
S292 Emergance of Humans
S194 Intro to Astronomy
S195 Intro to the Human Genome.

I've also been sent a newspaper 'Sesami' There's mention in it of further short courses 'next year' on 'starting writing' on line which I might try, and other faculty courses (History/Maths) which I can't find pages for.

One of the other points raised in a letter concerning 'high student drop out rate' concerns the point you raised of study thro' the summer. The writer opines that's due to the OU using Uni's spare capacity for summer school. I must admit it seems like even more hard work to be expected to work thro' mid-summer. There doesn't seem to be any plans for change though. The above S/C's all have three starting dates through the year though.
Hope this is some help
A.M. smiley - hug

Open University

Post 11


Emergence even smiley - winkeye

Open University

Post 12


Thanks AM.smiley - hug

These short courses sound good, including that writing one. I may well be persuaded to start again next year, if they'll let me.smiley - winkeye The alternative Sept start was discussed as if it was 'imminent' a couple of years ago, with the Easter hols being used for residential schools. Presumably they couldn't get it to add up right though. Expecting people to keep up with work over summer is a bit unrealistic I reckon, and once you fall behind, it gets harder and harder. Thanks for the link... I must admit I don't think I've looked at their actual website!

Got some welcome feedback from the new tutor on my photography course, and feel a lot more confident about getting the work done by Xmas now. Would really love to continue with the degree next year, but am already so over-committed, I know it would be asking for disaster if I signed up to any other courses before next September. So want to complete my degree though. Decisions...

Other than OU then, how goes it?smiley - smiley

Sus xx

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