Journal Entries


Sat and Sunday couldn't load h2g2 in any way.
Forums won't update on my page as posted without 'refresh'
Messages on user pages don't show on my page.(did they ever??)
Counter's out again !
Very odd.

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Latest reply: Nov 15, 1999

The Bonnie

Wowee! The Bonnie makes it into The Book.
And featured on the front page too, Wow.

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Latest reply: Nov 12, 1999


I have determined that I'm going to have to seriously ration the amount of time on line in order to seriously reduce the phone bill. Seriously!! This is getting seriously out of hand. So.. early new years resolution, A half hour a day. I can do it. Every day in every way I'm getting better, I thimk. Seriously!!!

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Latest reply: Oct 29, 1999


I just got this months phone bill, Dear Heavens! I'm into heavy user discount! Looks like h2g2 is going to have to take a back seat for a while.

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Latest reply: Oct 28, 1999


At bloody last!!! I've got a picture onto the page.

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 1999

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