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Ah Ha, So JIS makes it in. Wow, only one more up for rejection,I'll have to start writing something else.

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Latest reply: Oct 8, 1999

DICK BARTON Special Agent

5th Oct 1999
Noel Johnson who played Dick Barton on BBC radio in the 1940's and 50's died today aged 82.
I remember as a kid listening in enthralled at his adventures with sidekicks Snowy and Jock. This was about the earliest radio program that I can personally recall, and especially with it's distinctive theme music.
Apparently he also played Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future on Radio Luxembourg. He became a film and TV actor and his last appearance was in 'A Touch of Frost' on TV two years ago.
Just thought I'd mention it.

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Latest reply: Oct 5, 1999


Hmmm.. my journal and guide entries seem to be disappearing and reappearing.Now you see it, now you don't. Always something new at H2G2.
Counter now gone completely bell up.

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Latest reply: Oct 4, 1999


Seems like the counter counts to 18 then needs a rest. Gone on the blink today. 

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Latest reply: Oct 3, 1999


Finally! got the counter onto the page. So far it's counted me more than anyone else. I'm talking to myself again.

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Latest reply: Sep 28, 1999

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