Journal Entries

The Last Apollo

Thirty years ago on the 14 December 1972 The last man to set foot on the Moon, Eugene Cernan commander of Apollo 17, left the lunar surface with the words:
"..and as we leave the at Taurus -Littrow, we leave as we came,and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind. God speed the crew of Apollo 17."
No human has been back to the moon since...
DK smiley - earthsmiley - rocketsmiley - moon

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Latest reply: Dec 15, 2002

Leonid Watch

Stayed up to try to catch the 'storm' due at about 2.30 am. Caught a couple of quite bright ones at about 1.00am but bands of cloud kept coming over and moon too bright. It clouded over completely by 2.00 am and it was cold! Gave up, went to bed.smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Nov 20, 2002

Search h2g2

The new Brunel scheme is really good.
When the search engine in the top right-hand corner didn't find what I wanted the other day I was able to unscrew the panel to effect repairs smiley - smiley
Lots of bits fell out but I think I got most of them back in OK. I've only got two bits left over.
Search still doesn't work though.smiley - whistle

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Latest reply: Oct 26, 2002


Got the 'scope out last night for the first time. Every night up to now has been clouded over, at least when I wanted to be out.
Zero'd in on the moon, nearly at first quarter... it was great!!!
My old 'scope was a refractor and this new one is supposed to be comparable in size/resolution. In fact it seems ten times better. It's a wow.smiley - magic

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Latest reply: Oct 13, 2002


Hey... I sprung for a new telescope today. It's only the second one I've ever had but it's really neat. It's a reflector with an equatorial mount an' all. The old one was damaged when I moved house a few years ago and I've been using binnies ever since. They're great in their own way but you just gotta have a 'scope for some jobs.
DK smiley - moon

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Latest reply: Sep 30, 2002

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