This is a Journal entry by Deek

Search h2g2

Post 1


The new Brunel scheme is really good.
When the search engine in the top right-hand corner didn't find what I wanted the other day I was able to unscrew the panel to effect repairs smiley - smiley
Lots of bits fell out but I think I got most of them back in OK. I've only got two bits left over.
Search still doesn't work though.smiley - whistle

Search h2g2

Post 2

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

It's working for me...

What exactly are you doing, and what exactly is happening?

Search h2g2

Post 3


Hi there, thanks for dropping by.smiley - smiley
I'm amazed that someone actually dropped by and read this page smiley - cheers
In the Brunel skin they provide little screws on the panels, unlike Goo which gets rather messy when you try to wipe it off...smiley - sadface
Using the search engine (top right corner) I couldn't find a page I was looking for the other day, so I thought maybe the search engine was broken. I took the panel off only to to find lots of loose bits which won't all go back in the same as before, I may have broken it.. smiley - whistle
Strangely enough this conversation hasn't come up on my conversations list which I rather thought it should have done. Maybe I need to take the 'Personal Space' panel off to see what's behind there and if I can fix that... I'm not very good with mechanical things though.
smiley - cheers DK

Search h2g2

Post 4


That's wierd... I gave it a tap and its started working...
DK smiley - smiley

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