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Hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
I'm sitting here waiting
Banging my drum
Strumming my fingers
Waitin' for Summertime to come
The snow seems to linger
That cold wont go away
Pots in my garden
Are like ice-cream cones today
After about a year
Of continuous wet
The fields around here
Aint dried out yet
So Sunday at two
When time moves forward
Seems our weather'll be
E'er facing Northward
but...change is a comin'
Maybe nature'll take her part
Bringin' a new breath of air
and...our Spring'll start
Some blue sky days
Are due our way
Just when they're comin'
though...who can say?.
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
Sometimes when we're feeling sad
When we have misery and pain
Everything we touch goes bad
We think the sun wont shine again
All we see are clouds of Grey
Ever deepening amounts of gloom
Nothing we ever do or say
Can illuminate or doom
Yet.. our forlorn looks and despair
Are quite often not one of a kind
There are many suffering out there
With wracked and tortured mind
If we all could only ever help but one
By opening just a drape or two
Then maybe their misery would be gone
A ray of hope could filter through.....
Hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
I'm gonna follow my dream
However wild it may seem
From high in the air
I shall wave goodbye to despair
Tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow
I shall wave goodbye to sorrow
Like a kite I'm gonna fly
Straight to that blue sky
I'm going to pass go
Like a rocket not slow
With no apologies or a sigh my dreams,I can fly....
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
Show me the light
Some of you say
I'll tell you all
It's the same light you see all each day
Show me the reason
For me to believe
That's there's more to this life
Than another chance to grieve
Another breath
Another day
Every second counts
For your Peacock display
Hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
Ooh the trivial dilemmas of modern life
In a paperless world where digital is king
and the password to memories is everything
I had two sons
and I dearly loved them both
Yet I could never communicate
That love
Now....I am at the bottom of a huge crevasse
It feels like someone has slashed my wrists
This life is now oozing out of me
Cutting into my soul
As losing one son has revealed
Not just a weakness in me
but....a huge hole
Where my tears are now falling
There is regret
Regret for my own failures
If only?if only I could have taken his place
Then it would be him standing
weeping here today not me
Rest in peace now my son
and....unbury me.....
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
There's a new dawn coming
It'll be morning soon
As soon a the morning
Says goodbye to the Moon
Another breath of fresh air?
Another reason why
There'll be more living time to die
Another burst or blast
A lungfull off toxic spew
However rough
It'll invigorate you
More stairs to climb
In our treadmill of life
New targets to endure
Yet more years of strife
Lessons to take
Too weak to say no
You'll work forever
Or watch the grass grow.....
Hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
There's a little more daylight
Coming in every day
As the mist in my eyes
Is slowly clearing away
My focus is returning
Memories are blocking my view
My whole world is empty
Empty without you
Spring is gathering a pace
Flowers are bursting into bloom
Even their convoluted blossoms
Cannot eliminate my gloom
I could think of a thousand reasons
Why you made me laugh and cry
Yet when it comes to your passing
I never heard you say goodbye
There are many things I should have said
but now you'll never get to know
As all those thoughts were in my head
For my real love I could not show
I can shout it now
and hold my head up in pride
but I wished I'd said I loved you son
Much more before you died.
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
Hello everybody,as Sins place has closed without notice I have lost months of my work.I have only myself to blame for not making copies of most of them.Heigh ho.
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
Two thousand and twelve an arduous year
The weather was awful mood...drear
London had an injection of ten billion quid
Did it make a difference (there) you bet it did
Sure Boris was all cock a hoop
While Dave tried to see light through the pea soup
There was the old Queen's diamond jubilee
A huge flotilla that'll go down in history
but even that was a very wet affair
Charlie's navy jig the light entertainment there
The olympics well.... a huge success
Many medals won they did impress
The wet fish though was the vote for PCC
Many didn't vote including me
The last thing we need when funds are sparse
Is another fat cat sat on their arse
Still if we're lucky it aint over yet
Could it get any worse? well...don't make a bet
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
There's another storm waiting around the corner
Another deluge threatening to let go
Just when we think there'll be some sunshine
The blackest clouds do begin to show
Tis England where reporters form a queue
Appearing in a puddle on the telly just for you
Just to emphasise the issue getting wet through
When there's drier ground behind them in full view
Here folks from far and wide get together
Bemoaning and whingeing about every rain drop
Still it's a good form of conversation is the weather
We'd have nothing to talk about should the rain stop.
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
(an old one)
Oh to be in England
When Summer is in full bloom
When nature lends a helping hand
'n' Rose scent wafts into the room
Too see waving floral meadows
As insects fill the air
The farmers wheat in neat rows
Pollen floating everywhere
Seeking a shady spot
To watch the river flow
Trying not to get too hot
To turn my body clock to slow
Soaking up those sunny rays
on my back watching the sky
These are the kind of days
When hours seem to fly
Walking in the countryside
Away from the (traffic's) toxic spew
Old England still has it's pride
Although the faces are now new
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
Spring is taking it's time this year
As Winter just won't let go
Many lambs are lost I fear
Buried under drifting snow
It is still only five degrees
On the centigrade scale
As yet no buds are on the trees
No insects not even a snail
My daffodils are just in bloom
Stunted and rather small
Will nothing lift this grey sky gloom
and halt the Mercury's fall
Thunderheads are gathering
Another deluge once again
Come on mother nature bring
At least some warmer rain
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
Trying to be optomistic
but at the end of your tether
The economy is up and down
Outlook as gloomy as the weather
A double dip recession
Another catastrophe
An even greater anti-climax
The funeral of old Maggie
The have's still have
The poorest still have not
What are your hopes for
(me)Not a bloody lot ....
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
We love you everybody
We are a rainbow nation I hear
You are all most welcome
To join us over here
Liberty is a myth
We are still controlled
Now that the youngest rule us
Because we're too afraid to scold
Anyone can be in charge
You don't need to be qualified
Even our politicians that win
Probably have lied.
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
Spring is sticking it's oar in
but...Winter just wont let go
There's to be another frosty night
and...I've gotten seeds to sew
The Cherry tree's in blossom
It's floral show lifts my soul
Showing me that there's still hope
In a sky as black as coal
Nobodies buying bedding plants
Because this season is so late
but soon those plants will perish
As like us they await their fate
still...just a little sunshine
Can move a sprig or two
Stirring green on withering wood
and rosy cheeks on me and you ?
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
Thank you all for coming
To the crematorium here today
There are quite a few of you
Im suprised I must say
I see many mouths moving
But few voices can be heard
There I must agree with you all
These hymns are quite absurd
The speech by the vicar
Was that really me?
My memory is not that good
Then Im thicker than a tree
I think I hear the Lord's prayer
Mumbled by a few
I think they've changed the words
That's flummoxed most of you
Nobody goes to church no more
Or to Sunday Schools
There's no rowdy morning assemblies
Schools are run buy fools
The teachers are all female
The boys just sit and play
Looking up the girls skirts
Even I could do that all day
Well it was such a lovely service
Thank you all for coming here
At least I wont be at yours
So you can all cheer
No more gas bills
No more cakes for tea
At least where I am going
The central heating's free.
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
We're five days into Winter
It's already Christmas day
The children woke up early
Eager as always too play
The season to be jolly
Goodwill and peace to all
Good words but too hollow
As like snow bombs still fall
Each year we get more selfish
Maybe a little harder every day
We draw our defences closer
and push our elderly away
Out of sight is out of eye
Sympathy is not on our menu
Christmas is commerciallised
Geared to fleecing me and you
So just put your feet up
Switch off relax a while
Be kind to your neighbours
Start the new year with a smile.
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
You get the bus to work and back
To work and back to work and back
Until finally you have a heart attack
Heart attack and heart attack
Your lying in a hospital Bed
Relatives are buzzing in your head
In your head they're in your head
They're talking like you're a baby in bed
In your head they're in your head
Wishing you were somewhere else instead
Your wish comes true you're dead.
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
So time has snuck up on you
Stealing your looks away
You are now looking at your mom or dad
In your mirror every day
When you wake up each morning
But you cant see the time
You cant find your glasses
Well now you're in your prime
At first you see wrinkles
You hadn't noticed before
After what appears only weeks
You notice even more
Cracks appear on cracks
More old vulture than crow's feet
Whatever you do dont turn around
Your bum's now a mighty seat
Soon you're sticking in dentures
The whitest teeth you've ever had in years
Talking like Sean Connery?
Sure issh yesh me dears
At first you are embarrassed
Because you're getting slow
Pretty soon you dont give a shit
You just go with the flow
Youngsters? it's no surprise
Seem to get quicker every day
It's then you finally realize
You're getting too old to play
You start whingeing in the supermarket
Moaning about the size of the queue
But it never occur es to reason why
The slow coach is a coffin dodger like you
But ohh! the aches and pains
Nothing prepares you for this
Not that you now believe in god
Because this is taking the piss
You'd put your head in the oven
But the chances of that are nil
Because it's bloody electric
And you aint paid the bill
Still in these contemporary times
As aging ravages you away
Even you cannot stop progress
As getting older gets more modern everyday.
hip poet
Rikiiboy Posted May 3, 2013
Seig heil! Seig heil! Sieg heil!(alarums play)
Here comes the mighty Merkel,in style
Citizens a suprise now open your eyes
For the holy Cow here she is now
The Bundesbank is having a w*nk
The fourth reich master
The queen of disaster
The Greeks like grease flow
Slippery and all in a row
The Spaniards wait
But what is their fate?
The French are there too
The Irish are in the loo
Dave and his motely crew
Waiting for Angela, to say Boo!
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Hip poet
- 421: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 422: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 423: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 424: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 425: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 426: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 427: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 428: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 429: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 430: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 431: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 432: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 433: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 434: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 435: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 436: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 437: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 438: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 439: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
- 440: Rikiiboy (May 3, 2013)
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