
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A21664370 - The Bell Rock Mystery - Chapter 7 [3]No PostingApr 13, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A21558189 - Harold Ross - part 2: the man [2]No PostingApr 12, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13521133 - The 'New Yorker' Magazine - 1951-1987: Mr Shawn's 'New Yorker' [8]No PostingApr 12, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A21558116 - Harold Ross - part 1: the history [8]No PostingApr 12, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A21609119 - The Battle of Turnham Green 1642 [9]No PostingApr 11, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A21504692 - S Club 7 (the pop group) [2]No PostingApr 11, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A14187882 - James Thurber - humourist [6]No PostingApr 11, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A19006201 - Katherine Sergeant Angell White - rewriter of noon [3]No PostingApr 11, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A21618759 - Book Production in the Carolingian Period [1]No PostingApr 10, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A21557946 - William Shawn - Invisible Editor [1]No PostingApr 8, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13521160 - The New Yorker Magazine - 1987-present [5]No PostingApr 8, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A14529558 - Overview: a Guided Tour through ‘The New Yorker’ [38]No PostingApr 8, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13455371 - The 'New Yorker' - 1925-1951 Ross's little magazine [34]No PostingApr 8, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13758096 - Wolcott Gibbs - Surgeon with Words [5]No PostingApr 8, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A18620336 - Billy Connolly -Comedian [10]No PostingApr 5, 2007

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John Doe

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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