
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A28868250 - Hadrians Wall Part 2: A Journey Along the Edge of the Empire [1]No PostingNov 10, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A28921386 - Superhuman CSR [2]No PostingNov 9, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27450713 - Bosham to Lincoln: - A Journey Through Roman Britain [12]No PostingNov 9, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A12465254 - Brainiac: Science Abuse [21]No PostingNov 6, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A28609013 - Angkor Wat [1]No PostingOct 31, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27727734 - The Spandau Citadel [2]No PostingOct 31, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A3572156 - Topic of the Week: Global Warming [6]No PostingOct 30, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A14569716 - The Spoof game [10]No PostingOct 30, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A26862276 - Hadrians Wall - A Journey through Roman Britain [7]No PostingOct 23, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A16019318 - CS Lewis - The Abolition of Man [2]No PostingOct 22, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A22070323 - Jimmy (James) Dean [4]No PostingOct 20, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27939874 - Five Ways to Die - The Story of 'The Ashtabula Horror' [10]No PostingOct 18, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A19588260 - Sublimation ~ Change of State [2]No PostingOct 18, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27450713 - Bosham [1]No PostingOct 17, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27727734 - The Citadel Spandau [23]No PostingOct 17, 2007

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John Doe

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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