
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27504524 - Anita Roddick - Founder of The Body Shop [5]No PostingOct 16, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27533450 - Britney Spears [5]No PostingOct 16, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A18621461 - word worm [8]No PostingOct 16, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A23207735 - Mary Shelley - The Decadent Days [11]No PostingOct 8, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27655671 - Mandolin Jones [2]No PostingOct 6, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A23265010 - The Total Dweeb's Guide to Pull-ups [16]No PostingOct 1, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A26954382 - Rangoli [1]No PostingSep 17, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A26710616 - Roman Roads Today [11]No PostingSep 12, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A8740208 - United Nations [7]No PostingAug 26, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A12326591 - ImageReady [5]No PostingAug 19, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25847166 - Talking Point - Gone but never forgotten... [1]No PostingAug 18, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25123277 - Mary Seacole [5]No PostingAug 15, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25853727 - Capoeira - An Afro-Brazilian Martial Art [1]No PostingAug 15, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A9083234 - Clive Cussler - The Grand Master of Adventure [11]No PostingAug 13, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A1139861 - An introduction to some of the ethical arguments in debates about abortion [8]No PostingAug 13, 2007

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John Doe

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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