
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A3061856 - What it Was Like in the 1990s [3]No PostingAug 13, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25616667 - Ermine Street - A Journey through Roman Britain [1]No PostingAug 12, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants' [15]No PostingAug 11, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A9670052 - The Fantastic Four - Comic Book Heroes [6]No PostingAug 11, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A19631694 - Collecting and Why People Collect [20]No PostingAug 10, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25679208 - Buzz Word Bingo! [3]No PostingAug 10, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A14644262 - The Art of Cold Reading [19]No PostingAug 10, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A22747935 - British Tribes At The Time Of The Claudian Invasion [15]No PostingAug 9, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25128489 - Ermine Street, Stane Street, the Fen Causeway and The Peddlars Way: - A Journey Through Roman Britain [4]No PostingAug 7, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A23968876 - Construction Of A Roman Road [5]No PostingAug 6, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25319630 - Namechecks in the choruses of the song "Hello" by the Beloved [2]No PostingJul 30, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host [1]No PostingJul 20, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A24020506 - Constructions with a Ruler and a Compass [1]No PostingJul 13, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A23636676 - W. B. Yeats - Irish Writer [5]No PostingJun 25, 2007
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A23968740 - The Groma: The Tool That Built An Empire [8]No PostingJun 24, 2007

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John Doe

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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