
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A88026997 - Jimmy Durante: Ragtime and Beyond [1]No PostingApr 29, 2023
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A88005350 - Hello Sailor or Hijack? The 'Nave Andromeda' Incident [3]No PostingDec 21, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A88006863 - 'Fairytale of New York' - Festive or Offensive? [1]No PostingNov 25, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A800614 - Harry Secombe [1]No PostingOct 6, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87999881 - 'That'll Be The Day' - the Film [1]No PostingSep 26, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87992031 - The Show Must Go Wrong! The Televised Exploits of the Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society [1]No PostingAug 8, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87990475 - The Koan, Newport, Isle of Wight, UK [4]No PostingJul 9, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87985453 - 'The Jungle Book' - Nine Film Adaptations [1]No PostingJun 28, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87962881 - The Ultimate Marvel Film Guide: 2017-2019 [1]No PostingJun 24, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87956112 - The Ultimate Studio Ghibli Film Guide: 2011 - 2015 [2]No PostingJun 19, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87956103 - The Ultimate Studio Ghibli Film Guide: 2005 - 2010 [6]No PostingJun 19, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87956095 - The Ultimate Studio Ghibli Film Guide: 2000 - 2004 [10]No PostingJun 19, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87956086 - The Ultimate Studio Ghibli Film Guide: 1995 - 1999 [6]No PostingJun 19, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87948012 - The Ultimate Disney Live Action Remakes Film Guide: 2015-2019 [1]No PostingJun 7, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87984382 - Bang! Zoom! Drone! Deliveries Going Postal to the Isle of Wight [1]No PostingMay 25, 2020

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John Doe

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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