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List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 101


Is it ever a priority? smiley - sadface

smiley - tickle

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 102


My prority right now is getting rip roaringly rude at the Patio in the Park thread!!!

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 103


Nah, cos I only ever write when I;m pisssed, or hadn't you noticed?

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 104


I wondered why after every sentence you assured me you loved me, and affirmed I was your best mate in the whole world.

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 105


now, you're taking the piss, I love no one, and my best mate is offline. You punctuated me baby, it's no big deal, except for the fact that I give you all my points and declare you the outright wismiley - okinner

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 106


Awwwww, we ALL love you enig, you are our little mascot.

I have been having a very strange day today. Witness the very odd poetry I have been writing.

OOer, is a last ditch surge of the good hormones before I burn out and become a dried up old hag?
Don't answere that It was rhetorical.

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 107


Niggy - you've missed (are missing) a great party in the purple parkers - patio - we did invite you but you must have been watching eastenders.

loobysmiley - kiss

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 108


I get the feeling lynda is drunk... as usual...

Spidey: let it all gush out!

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 109


Invite? When? Where?

I was out...

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 110


Hmmm, I wonder why my post didn't come out?

Invite? Where? When?

I was out...

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 111


Oh, there it is. How odd...

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 112


P.S. Lynda, I was taking the p**s from the start smiley - tickle

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 113


I know sweetie, but I'm serious, my points are your points, take them and be gladsmiley - bubbly

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 114


Er, OK smiley - erm

smiley - run

smiley - cheers

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 115


Call it a joint celebration and well done to ye both!
(I mean that too - smiley - kiss)

Now, get your arses over to thee PATIO, NOW! smiley - laugh

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 116

the fat gardener

smiley - smooch
...Enig punctuates Lyndabk...smiley - tongueout...and they give birth to a lovely little 60 word story..smiley - cheerupsmiley - run

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 117


She's raising it by herself though. I'm too young for such responsibility.

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 118


So yah prosituting yah self for yah art art yah Lynd??? Or just Lyndbac thinkin of Enigsmiley - laugh

Have the new titles been posted..I hope I am free of technical hitches this timesmiley - ok So please count me in as I may have more time this time toosmiley - ok Serindippidysmiley - dog

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 119


*psst! £5 says Serin doesn't write an entry!*

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 120


Did someone mention making the next challenge 100 words? Well, I don't know if I can handle all that extra work...

...hey, but count me in anyway.

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