This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 41


Okey dokey poppet.
I have posted a link to my other website in my PF. Have a look and tell me what you think. I know I can rely on you for an honest opinion!

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 42


Poppet? How sweet smiley - smiley

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 43


I'm so sweet I make sugar wince.

I've left a comment in your guest book, SP smiley - ok

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 44


Cheers Darlin

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 45


Sorry it's so late but here it is



List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 46


What a cracker...


List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 47


Fatgardener A3227573

Weaver A3229102

Karjon A3244664

Havago A3261647

Lyndabk A3265814

Naethyme A3268361

Kate A3278081

Looby A3292634

Spidey A3295424

Penjen A3298070

Roy A3298214

Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299844

Enigmatic A3299844

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 48


Yahoo. You may now all go and score the stories. Havego..................get ready.....they're comin at ya.

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 49


Sorry, I haven't had the chance to read or review anyone's little worders yet, (I'm off out tonight and will be stumbling in after midnight and will do the duty then. It's OK, I'm much 'nicer' when I'm two sheets to the wind! I promise to use the indoor lav, though! smiley - winkeyesmiley - cheers

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 50


Enig - I'll 'pee' extra vigilant with you, my son! smiley - laughsmiley - run

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 51

the fat gardener

Hi PenJen, at least you're not orienteering in the rain. A while ago, we drove to Dorset early in the morning without stopping, then started walking straight away. No chance for a pee. Everytime I thought I was completely on my own and edged into the bushes, a superfit, lycra-clad orienteerer ran past from the middle of nowhere.

smiley - erm

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 52

the fat gardener

Just checking - is it scores out of 10?

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 53



It says out of 10 on the other thread. I've never done this before - it's ridiculously hard.


List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 54

the fat gardener

Cheers Karjon. I'm sure you're up to it.

I haven't quite finished critting yet, hope to later tonight or tomorrow morning.

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 55


Monkeys and Enigs A numbers are the same up there, confused the hell out of me for a whilesmiley - laugh

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 56


Cheers Lynda

Fatgardener A3227573

Weaver A3229102

Karjon A3244664

Havago A3261647

Lyndabk A3265814

Naethyme A3268361

Kate A3278081

Looby A3292634

Spidey A3295424

Penjen A3298070

Roy A3298214

Asmallnumberofmonkeys A3299187

Enigmatic A3299844


List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 57

the fat gardener

Where and when should we post our scores?

smiley - run

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 58

the fat gardener

Sorry Spidey - have just read above that we can go for it - a bit dosy today - but can we post them here?

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 59


Post scores in this thread....ready, steady......gosmiley - run

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 60


Hallo, my name is Claus and here is the scorezes for the Bultopian Republic of Cunglewood.

Fatgardener - A3227573 – 7.5

Weaver - A3229102 – 6.5

Karjon - A3244664 - 7

Havago - A3261647 - 7

Lyndabk - A3265814 – 7

Naethyme - A3268361 – 7.5

Kate - A3278081 – 6.5

Looby A3292634 – 7.5

Spidey A3295424 – 6.5

Penjen A3298070 – 7.5

Roy A3298214 - 7

Asmallnumberofmonkeys - A3299187 - 6

Good hi from Bultopia!

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