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List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 81


smiley - smooch Roy.smiley - winkeye

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 82


Have you heard the latest. SPIDEY and ROY so busy 'dallying' in station waiting rooms they just could not conscentrate on their scoring!!!!
Yes, yes. ROY has admitted it and SPIDEY is still kissing him and winking like mad!!!!!!
Not that I'm a gossip or anything........

smiley - magic

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 83



Thanks everybody, well done everybody and congratulations asmallnumberofmonkeys!

Gald I joined the challenge.



List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 84


Roy is an absolute gentleman I'll have you lot know.

Oh no, I've tarnished his rep as a sex god now.smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 85


smiley - bubblysmiley - magicCONTRULATIONS MARKsmiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

smiley - starAnd well done to Karjon, Lynda and Enig (Pee-wee! smiley - winkeye)!!!

This was a damn good one and great to see variation in the winners too!

I'm up for 100 words and voting on one title also,

Jen smiley - cheers

(Spidey, spill them beans girl! smiley - laugh)

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 86


Nah. I'm too much of a lady!

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 87


Yeah, yeah, and I'm a tomatoe! smiley - laughsmiley - whistle

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 88


Thanks for the congratulationssmiley - cheers, and well done Karjon, Lynda and Enigmatic1 and everyone else for a great standard. I really enjoyed reading all of these stories. smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

A hundred words for the next one sounds a good idea; I’m in.


List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 89


Congrats Mark for a well deserved win!smiley - bubblysmiley - discosmiley - bubblysmiley - discosmiley - gift
and also Karjon,smiley - bubbly Lynda smiley - bubbly & Enig smiley - bubbly
I was most impressed with everyone's entry this round. Looking forward to reading the next ones! smiley - magic
NT smiley - cheers

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 90


Yes, thanks Spidey for demolishing my sex-god reputation - it only took a year to build... Mind you, you should have heard what (or is it who?) we talked about on the way home...smiley - winkeye

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 91


Congrats to Mark, Karjon and Enigsmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - cheerssmiley - ok

And thank you all that voted for mesmiley - smooch
but I have to declare that allthough the words were mine, the commas and fullstops were all Enigs, I will stand aside and give him my votes

Enigsmiley - bubbly

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 92

the fat gardener

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 93



enig's new entry

smiley - run

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 94


I'm away nowsmiley - run

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 95



smiley - run

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 96


yeah right!

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 97


.... right...

I do agree about the points though. What use are words without organisation? smiley - winkeye

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 98

the fat gardener

Run, run, baby, run; I'm, talking, like, this, because; because; I'm, out, of, breath...!.....smiley - winkeyesmiley - run

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 99


....and that's why I gave the points to you,smiley - smooch not half, but all of them. I have the imagination, but not the organisation, so I will forever wander lonely as a cloud

List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04

Post 100


I wrote when I was drunk, so punctuation was not a priority

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