This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

100 words

Post 1881

Stationery Explorer

Here are mine:

MrsLooRoll - A3566883 - 8.5
Incatatus101 - A3571472 - 9.5
Weaver - A3559863 – 7
Karjon - A3574839 - 7
Stationery Explorer - A3565389 - n/a
Kate - A3584397 - 8
NaeThyme - A3587871 - 9
Enigmatic 1 - A3592541 – 9
Jazzy J - A3590462 - 8
Asmallnumberofmonkeys - A3592631 – 7.5
Spiderbaby - A3593964 - 8
The Fat Gardener - A3594378 - 8.5
LyndabK - A3599418 – 8.5
PenJen - A3602152 – 9

smiley - cheers

100 words

Post 1882


and the scores are:

MrsLooRoll - A3566883 - 8
Incatatus101 - A3571472 - 7.5
Weaver - A3559863 – 8
Karjon - A3574839 - 7
Stationery Explorer - A3565389 - 7
Kate - A3584397 - 7.5
NaeThyme - A3587871 - 8
Enigmatic 1 - A3592541 – 8.5
Jazzy J - A3590462 - N/A
Asmallnumberofmonkeys - A3592631 – 8.5
Spiderbaby - A3593964 - 8
The Fat Gardener - A3594378 - 9
LyndabK - A3599418 – 8.5
PenJen - A3602152 – 7.5

smiley - smiley

100 words

Post 1883


My scores

MrsLooRoll - A3566883 – 8
Incatatus101 - A3571472 – 7.5
Weaver - A3559863 – 7.5
Karjon - A3574839 8
Stationery Explorer - A3565389 – 7.5
Kate - A3584397 – 7
NaeThyme - A3587871 – 8
Enigmatic 1 - A3592541 – 8
Jazzy J - A3590462 – 7.5
Asmallnumberofmonkeys - A3592631 – N/A
Spiderbaby - A3593964 – 7
The Fat Gardener - A3594378 – 7.5
LyndabK - A3599418 – 8
PenJen - A3602152 – 9


100 words

Post 1884


MrsLooRoll - A3566883 - 8
Incatatus101 - A3571472 - 6
Weaver - A3559863
Karjon - A3574839 - 6.5
Stationery Explorer - A3565389 - 6.5
Kate - A3584397 - 7
NaeThyme - A3587871 - 7
Enigmatic 1 - A3592541 – 6.5
Jazzy J - A3590462 - 7.5
Asmallnumberofmonkeys - A3592631 – 9
Spiderbaby - A3593964 - 6.5
The Fat Gardener - A3594378 - 7.5
LyndabK - A3599418 – 6
PenJen - A3602152 – 7


100 words

Post 1885


MrsLooRoll - A3566883 - 8
Incatatus101 - A3571472 - 7.5
Weaver - A3559863 – 8.5
Karjon - A3574839 - 7.5
Stationery Explorer - A3565389 - 7.5
Kate - A3584397 - 7.5
NaeThyme - A3587871 - 8
Enigmatic 1 - A3592541 – 8
Jazzy J - A3590462 - 8
Asmallnumberofmonkeys - A3592631 – 9.5
Spiderbaby - A3593964 - 8
The Fat Gardener - A3594378 - 7.5
LyndabK - A3599418 – N/A
PenJen - A3602152 – 9

that's my scores folks

Lyndasmiley - ok

100 words

Post 1886


6.5? Bleeeeeaaaaarrrrgh! smiley - monster

smiley - laugh

100 words

Post 1887

the fat gardener

MrsLooRoll - A3566883 - 7.5
Incatatus101 - A3571472 - 9.5
Weaver - A3559863 – 8
Karjon - A3574839 - 8
Stationery Explorer - A3565389 - 7.5
Kate - A3584397 - 8
NaeThyme - A3587871 - 9
Enigmatic 1 - A3592541 – 8
Jazzy J - A3590462 - 7.5
Asmallnumberofmonkeys - A3592631 – 8
Spiderbaby - A3593964 - 7.5
The Fat Gardener - A3594378 - N/A
LyndabK - A3599418 – 8
PenJen - A3602152 – 8.5

100 words

Post 1888


MrsLooRoll - A3566883 - 8.5
Incatatus101 - A3571472 - 9.0
Weaver - A3559863 – 8.5
Karjon - A3574839 - 8.0
Stationery Explorer - A3565389 - 8.0
Kate - A3584397 - 7.5
NaeThyme - A3587871 - 8.0
Enigmatic 1 - A3592541 – 8.5
Jazzy J - A3590462 - 8.0
Asmallnumberofmonkeys - A3592631 – 9.0
Spiderbaby - A3593964 - 7.5
The Fat Gardener - A3594378 - 9.0
LyndabK - A3599418 – 7.5
PenJen - A3602152 – N/A

I reckon these were of a very high standard this time, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading them.

BUT, there was too much blood and not enough fish.

(And those yucky 'Sea Monkeys' can go to pot! smiley - tongueout)

100 words

Post 1889


GEEZUZ! Was I the last, AGAIN! smiley - erm

Well, that's everyone marked up. Who's doing the counting? Me gotta run to work. Good luck, all! smiley - goodluck

100 words

Post 1890


I've done it, but could someone double-check it cos maths was never my strong point..

MrsLooRoll - (102)
Incatatus101 - (103)
Weaver - (98.5)
Karjon - (94)
Stationary - (94.5)
Kate - (97)
NaeThyme - (106)
Enigmatic1 - (105.5)
Jazzy J - (103.5)
ASmallNumberofMonkeys - (101)
Spidey - (94)
TheFatGardener - (103)
Lynda - (102.5)
PenJen - (103.5)

100 words

Post 1891


smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

congrats Nae Thyme smiley - magic

And Enig, Jazzy J and Penjen smiley - bubbly

Wel done!!!

Well Spidey, we were quick this timesmiley - laugh

100 words

Post 1892


Congratulations, Nae Thyme and Enig smiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

I've just checked the scores, I make Incatatus (103.3), weaver(100.5), karjon(95) and spidey's(95). All the others are ok.

If anyone could treble check these ones (just incase I B*****d it up and NT is correct)

Cheerssmiley - ok

100 words

Post 1893


Congratulations, NT.

Yeah, I agree with Jazzy about the scores.

Nt, your stories are great - numbers not so good smiley - winkeye Look what you did! You made use a smiley and an exclamation mark. I'll have to take a shower now.

Well done to the runners up too.



100 words

Post 1894

Stationery Explorer

Treble checked scores:

MrsLooRoll - (102)
Incatatus101 - (103.5)
Weaver - (100.5)
Karjon - (95)
Stationary - (94.5)
Kate - (97)
NaeThyme - (106)
Enigmatic1 - (105.5)
Jazzy J - (103.5)
ASmallNumberofMonkeys - (101)
Spidey - (95)
TheFatGardener - (103)
Lynda - (102.5)
PenJen - (103.5)

I am pretty confident these are right, but feel free to quadruple check...

smiley - ok

100 words

Post 1895

Stationery Explorer

Congratulations NaeThyme
smiley - cheers

100 words

Post 1896


Well done Nae Tyme smiley - bubblysmiley - ok

100 words

Post 1897


smiley - blush
Thanks everyone. I never thought I would have a chance at winning this.
smiley - laugh at Karjon.

Sorry about my poor counting to those I erred, I'll leave it to someone else the next time. Was getting all excited because I saw I was in the lead.. smiley - winkeye

All these stories were brilliant, and the standard of this challenge is getting higher and stronger each time we do it.

A big thanks to spidey for setting it all up. smiley - ok

Okay, speech over. smiley - laugh

Well done to Enig smiley - bubbly PenJen smiley - bubbly Incatatus smiley - bubbly and everyone smiley - bubbly

100 words

Post 1898


And Jazzy J! smiley - bubbly

100 words

Post 1899


Congratulations NaeThyme, Enig and co! And everyone actually because there were so many memorable pieces there.

This was fun. It was also quick; I hate it when it drags on for weeks. Let's do another one.

By the way NT, I just had a look at your Kent January entry. It's wonderful. It was so refreshing to see a beginning that wasn't ponderous. Have you seen the winning ones?
There are some good ideas, but all three writers would benefit from some 100 word therapy.


100 words

Post 1900


Thanks, Kate. I got half way through with it then bored.. was a scribble just for the sake of entering. I am just about to read the shortlisters.
I agree about the 100 worders, and 60 worders too, it does help hone skills. Less is more! smiley - biggrin

Congrats Kellie for making it! smiley - bubbly

Do I need to pick some titles now? smiley - erm

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