This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

100 words

Post 1901


Half a point? I knew I should've given my own story a mark...

Well done, Thyme smiley - cheers

And congrats to me for reaching the lofty position of 2nd smiley - cheerup

First the worst, second the.... smiley - biggrin

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Post 1902


And well done to PenJen and Jazzy smiley - winkeye

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Post 1903

the fat gardener

Congratulations NaeThyme, Enig, Incantatus, Jazzy J and PenJen!!

Well done everybody. They were all good.

smiley - stoutsmiley - porkpiesmiley - redwine

100 words

Post 1904


.. the worstest? smiley - tongueout

What do they mean giving us the last line at Kent? Are they trying to drive us all nuts, cos they're doing a good job on me. smiley - erm

I liked Mr Scary-Crow, simple but effective.

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Post 1905


Haven't bothered with Kent since, erm, September... I think. As an experiment I wrote a story consisting almost entirely of dialogue.

The experiment failed.

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Post 1906


The top two stories were both dark affairs...

I prophecise the next challenge will see a dozen dark tales of varying woe and gore smiley - laugh

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Post 1907


So, Thyme, what are the next four titles?

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Post 1908


Wow! What a confidence boost, to be joint 3rd with lovely Penjen and Incatatus. Especially as my dialogue usually gets some tough comments, it's never been one of my strong points.

Roll on the next one
smiley - run

100 words

Post 1909


Make one of the titles filthy smiley - biggrin

It's about time the GW boards had some erotica...

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Post 1910


How about you pick 2, Enig, and I'll give the other two. I don't know anything about erotica. smiley - angel

What A State.

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Post 1911


smiley - disco big congrats to all our winners this time - especially N/T smiley - disco
The standard was really high.

loobysmiley - magic

100 words

Post 1912


Thanks a lot, Thyme. I appreciate that. I won't go for a filthy title though. It'd only be open to erotica and satire then, which is a tad restrictive.

I'll think about it a moment and post them with yours.

100 words

Post 1913


OK, the four titles are:

What A State.
Blue Moon.
End of the line.

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Post 1914


Where is spidey? smiley - erm A challenge needs arranging. smiley - ok

100 words

Post 1915


Just popped in to say 'congratulations' everyone - A very close competition and it is about time that smiley - star NaeThyme smiley - star got top spot! Well done!

Also, many 'congratulations' to the elicit Enig, (Aka PeeWee/Ant Boy), the delightful Ms Jazzy-JĀ and the engaging Sir Incatatus.

Just wonderful, dahlings! Supar!

Gold-Fish Jen smiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - kiss

100 words

Post 1916


The thing I like about this challenge is that it's always so close - as it should be. But you always know what made the winner shine.

It's been a while since I was this drunk on a worknight.

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Post 1917


Hello. I went to York on Tuesd to a gig. Got a lift up with son's new management guy. Great gig, saw all friends from south who have migrated north. Went to pub till nearly one thirty in the morning, breakfast with the guys and then the six hour journey back yesterday afternoon.

Congrats NaeThyme and Enig,

smiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spider
smiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spider

Also Incantatus, Jazzy J and PenJen . smiley - disco Well done everyone. A nice quick one this time.

Good set of titles for the next one.

smiley - cheers absent friends, hope you will get back in the swing for this one.

Deadline for stories in Monday the 13th.

Get those fingers flexed guys.smiley - winkeye


100 words

Post 1918


Congrats on making the anthology, Weaver.
smiley - magic

100 words

Post 1919


no big deal, it was bound to happen sooner or later!


100 words

Post 1920


smiley - hangover

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