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Post 1821

Stationery Explorer

smiley - erm
I think I'm agreeing with you too weaver, or at least I'm saying I wouldn't neccessarily mark a piece down if a punchline didn't make me laugh so much the second time around.
smiley - ok

100 words

Post 1822


Yes Weaver & Station,

I agree with all you say too. What was I trying to say, and more in relation to these worders, is that if a piece is a humour piece it tends to stick in my memory more so, where as on a reread of some the other pieces I might need a refresher.
A 'joke', 'punchline' is almost always easier to recall, BUT I wouldn't mark down a piece if I didn't enjoy it as much on a second read. I try to go on my first reaction - Did I get it? Did it make me laugh? Was it funny, witty, original? Was it well-written? (Not neccessarily in that order).

Humour's a funny ole thing, ain't it?! smiley - headhurts

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Post 1823

Stationery Explorer

Only when it's safe Jen.

smiley - biggrin

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Post 1824


As in when it's 'not dangerous'??

I've never been beaten up by humour but I've got a few kicks out of it. Does that count? smiley - tongueout

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Post 1825


Good morning guys and dolls,

nice to see everyone up and at it early in the daysmiley - laugh

How is everyone this fine morn (thanks for the b'day greetings Jen)smiley - ok

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Post 1826

Stationery Explorer

Hope they didn't hurt too much! I was making a reference to "My funny valentine" - couldn't resist it. Funnily enough, there is such a thing as safe humour. It's usually used to describe early evening sitcoms. i.e. not very funny but a guarantee that even the most ardent whinger could not be offended by it. Not that I think that humour should be offensive to anyone.

If it makes you laugh, it always counts. If it makes everybody laugh, it pays the bills.

smiley - laugh

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Post 1827


Aha! Who's full of the wit this bright morn then, eh??!! smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Ms Lynda - the 21yr old, Kylie Minogue lookalike - how's the wee head?? smiley - tongueout

And Sir Station - Cheers for that. Gotta go feed a dog and a 6yr old - so will reply later. I'm not in the humour this morning, though.

Both mutt and child are driving me crazzzzzzy! AAGGHH!

Have great w'ends folks. I intend to. smiley - ale

Jen smiley - cheerssmiley - kiss

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Post 1828


smiley - laugh

Thanks for that JENifer Love Hewittsmiley - hug

CYA all latersmiley - cheerup

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Post 1829

Stationery Explorer

Set the dog on the postman and take the child to school. Don't go crazy.

Have a good one yourself... smiley - stoutsmiley - stout

Had too much coffee this a.m, so it sent me crazy. The Sea-Monkeys are very quiet today though and Thomas is at school so I've a bit of time to un-wreck my head.

Chris smiley - ok

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Post 1830

Stationery Explorer

Hello Lynda, just seen your post.

Happy Birthday from me too. Been up and at it TOO early myself. Ho-hum.

smiley - cheers

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Post 1831


Happy Nirthday, Lynda.

SE: RE: Sea monkeys - what is going on there? I don't understand it and it scares me. I'm convinced their going to leave their wee container and suck my brain out while I sleep. What are they? How are they? Why are they?


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Post 1832


Happy Birthday Lynda! smiley - bubbly

MrsLooRoll - A3566883
Incatatus101 - A3571472
Weaver - A3559863
Karjon - A3574839
Stationery Explorer - A3565389
Kate - A3584397
NaeThyme - A3587871

ps. I score by reading stories twice, leaving a comment, reading again, scoring, then leave it alone. That way I'm scoring while the story is fresh. smiley - biggrin

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Post 1833


Lynda - as well as a happy nirthday, I hope you have a Happy Birthday too.

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Post 1834


Happy Mirthday, Lynda!

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Post 1835



I'll dissect your "quotes".


You forgot to add the part when I say it isn't the rule (and only a fool would think so). However, it is a trend. Tell marketing people that it isn't mostly women that go to see rom-coms at the cinema. It's just a fact.


You forgot to include the line when I said it was in irony. However, it is mostly female on this challenge and there is usually somewhat of a consensus on the best story. That doesn't sound like a falsehood to me, just stating facts smiley - erm


Well, it is mostly men that enjoy my more graphic stories/poems(?). I've had one shocked reaction from a man that I can remember and several from women. So what's wrong with that? Again, it's stating a fact and I think there is a reason behind it.

Women are known to be different to men in general, not least because you/they use varying areas of the brain in every day life, amongst other things.

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Post 1836



Turning the page (which I've used in a metaphor).

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Post 1837

the fat gardener

MrsLooRoll - A3566883
Incatatus101 - A3571472
Weaver - A3559863
Karjon - A3574839
Stationery Explorer - A3565389
Kate - A3584397
NaeThyme - A3587871
Enigmatic 1 - A3592541

100 words

Post 1838


MrsLooRoll - A3566883
Incatatus101 - A3571472
Weaver - A3559863
Karjon - A3574839
Stationery Explorer - A3565389
Kate - A3584397
NaeThyme - A3587871
Enigmatic 1 - A3592541
jazzy-j - A3590462

100 words

Post 1839


Congratulations on the last scores Lynda and Looby, and a belated happy birthday Lynda.

Here’s my attempt.

MrsLooRoll - A3566883
Incatatus101 - A3571472
Weaver - A3559863
Karjon - A3574839
Stationery Explorer - A3565389
Kate - A3584397
NaeThyme - A3587871
Enigmatic 1 - A3592541
Asmallnumberofmonkeys - A3592497

smiley - cheers

100 words

Post 1840


Thank you, obese agriculturalist.

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