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100 word challenge

Post 1681


OR go on Haveago - have a go - opps! smiley - laughsmiley - hug

100 word challenge

Post 1682


Hi you lot. Well, the duck was superb and the honey mustard, onion and red wine sauce a masterstroke. The meeting with the musicians to thrash out a running order for the gig was a little scary but apart from one grumpy one we got it sorted.

Here are the scores from the Kent granny.
Spidey - Christmas Stocking - A3446561 N/A
Weaver - Christmas Stocking - A3447281 7.5
Haveago - Christmas Stocking - A3452799 9
Karjon - Christmas Stocking - A3454698 6.5
Lynda - Christmas Stocking - A3496368 7
ASNOMonkeys - Christmas Stocking -A3463256 8


Karjon - Organism Friday - A3457901 7.5
NaeThyme - A Light Outside - A3441359 7
Enigmatic - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3481733 8
Fat Gardener - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3492326 6.5
PenJen - A Light Outside - A3497259 8.5
NaeThyme - Organism Friday - A3497808 7
ASNOMonkeys - Organism Friday - A3498690 7.5
MRSLooRoll A Light Outside A3500317 9

100 word challenge

Post 1683


Might as well crown Looby right now.

60 word challenge

Post 1684

Stationery Explorer


lyndabk referred me and said to introduce myself to take part in the next 60 word challenge. Hope I'm in the right place.

Is there one on the go?

Thanks in advance.
smiley - cheers

60 word challenge

Post 1685


Ah you found it alright, Stat, great, yeah there will be another one soon if some people ever get round to scoring this one, mentioning no names beginning with Esmiley - winkeye

60 word challenge

Post 1686

Stationery Explorer

Good stuff.

I promise not to mention any names beginning with E.

smiley - ta

60 word challenge

Post 1687


*Grumble mumble* We don't like strangers 'round 'ere smiley - erm *grumble mumble*

60 word challenge

Post 1688

Stationery Explorer

smiley - erm
Hello Enigmatic1, can I join your club please?

I'll sit at the back and I won't speak, honest.

smiley - ok

60 word challenge

Post 1689


Oh, but it's not my club... the owner is a terrifying human/spider hybrid!

Run, run while you can!

smiley - run

60 word challenge

Post 1690


If it's not obvious, I'm of course just joking. Welcome to the club.

60 word challenge

Post 1691

Stationery Explorer

Was hoping that might be the case. Anything about human / spider hybrids I should know before I unpack my sandwiches?

smiley - cheerssmiley - stout

60 word challenge

Post 1692

the fat gardener

Hello lovely Stationery Explorer, I'm glad you're not a stationary explorer.
smiley - redwinesmiley - porkpie

60 word challenge

Post 1693

Stationery Explorer

Hello, lovely the fat gardener (?) I was an explorer, then I became stationary, now I have returned to exploring but am starting with stationery.
smiley - redwine, sophisticated too, Bordeaux? Perhaps a nice Shiraz to accompany your smiley - porkpie?

Very pleased to make your aquaintance I'm sure.

60 word challenge

Post 1694

the fat gardener

Sorry smiley - redwine only a cheap Cotes du Rhone on special offer from Te*co's - a bit thin after powerful Chilean Cabernet's.

Where did you explore? smiley - run Have you ever done orienteering? Mad fit people in lycra appearing from nowhere when you think you've found a safe place for a pee!

60 word challenge

Post 1695

Stationery Explorer

Nothing wrong with Cotes du Rhone either, good for washing the dinner down.

I like to explore as much as possible, preferably in warmer climes. I investigate food, drink and anything that looks nice.

I have climbed the odd mountain in the past but as for dressing up in lycra and distrurbing innocent wine enthusiasts, definitely not my bag.

smiley - laugh

60 word challenge

Post 1696


Hi Stationery Explorer and welcome to the strange world of 60 word (sometimes 100 word) stories.
We are just waiting for this one to be wound up and the winners announced. Oi! lets get this thing put to bed. smiley - spider cracking eight whips.

Then we will return to a 60 worder. I will give a run down of the rules when the next titles are set.

Guys, when the last bell tolls for GW I'm planning to continue the 60 word challenge on my website Come on over antime if you want to have a sprawl on the sofa and a cuppa. I have an Auntie Ali agony column too!!!!


60 word challenge

Post 1697


Here are my scores...

Spidey - Christmas Stocking - A3446561 – 7.5
Weaver - Christmas Stocking - A3447281 - 6
Haveago - Christmas Stocking - A3452799 - 6
Karjon - Christmas Stocking - A3454698 – 6.5
Lynda - Christmas Stocking - A3496368 – 6.5
ASNOMonkeys - Christmas Stocking - A3463256 – 6.5


Karjon - Organism Friday - A3457901 - 7
NaeThyme - A Light Outside - A3441359 - 6
Enigmatic - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3481733 – n/a
Fat Gardener - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3492326 – 6.5
PenJen - A Light Outside - A3497259 – 6.5
NaeThyme - Organism Friday - A3497808 - 6
ASNOMonkeys - Organism Friday - A3498690 – 6.5
MRSLooRoll A Light Outside A3500317 - 7

People usually speak freely with praise when they think a group of stories are the best yet, so I have to say with all honesty this was one of the worst we've had so far smiley - erm None were bad but most were average. Just thought I'd explain the low scores. Onward, upward, etc.

60 word challenge

Post 1698


Onward, upward? More like up your own ass, e1. I could tell you were bitter earlier when you said we might as well award it to looby already. This lot were no better or worse than ony other collection we've had. Sorry nobody liked your story as much as you did. As for me, I was expecting a low mark from you anyway.

60 word challenge

Post 1699


I have to agree with Weaver that this collection was no better or no worse than previous ones; just that it took so damn long to get done and dusted. Still think we're waiting on one list of scores, though.

As for your marks, well you're entitled to score as you please. That personally doesn't bother me, except I reckon there could have been a few 8 pluses tucked in there somewhere. smiley - erm

60 word challenge

Post 1700


BTW, welcome Stat Explorer. See you've met the folks, then! smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

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