This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

100 word challenge

Post 1661


Sorry for not getting back to you earlier Karjon.
I think we better have two separate sections, ok with you Havago?
Will add mine later as have to go to another dratted social services meeting shortly.


100 word challenge

Post 1662


I dare you to turn up with pants on your head, pencils up your nostrils, and to communicate using only the word "wibble" in various intonations*.

* See Blackadder Goes Fourth for an extremely similar scenario.

100 word challenge

Post 1663


Spidey - Christmas Stocking - A3446561 8.5
Weaver - Christmas Stocking - A3447281 7.5
Haveago - Christmas Stocking - A3452799 7.5
Karjon - Christmas Stocking - A3454698 8
Lynda - Christmas Stocking - A3496368 9
ASNOMonkeys - Christmas Stocking -A3463256 8


Karjon - Organism Friday - A3457901 7.5
NaeThyme - A Light Outside - A3441359 8.5
Enigmatic - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3481733 8
Fat Gardener - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3492326 8
PenJen - A Light Outside - A3497259 8.5
NaeThyme - Organism Friday - A3497808 8
ASNOMonkeys - Organism Friday - A3498690 7.5
MRSLooRoll A Light Outside A3500317 N/A

That concludes the voting from 'the black hole'...

loobysmiley - smiley

100 word challenge

Post 1664


Spidey - Christmas Stocking - A3446561 8.5
Weaver - Christmas Stocking - A3447281 ~
Haveago - Christmas Stocking - A3452799 7
Karjon - Christmas Stocking - A3454698 8
Lynda - Christmas Stocking - A3496368 8.5
ASNOMonkeys - Christmas Stocking -A3463256 7


Karjon - Organism Friday - A3457901 7
NaeThyme - A Light Outside - A3441359 8
Enigmatic - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3481733 8.5
Fat Gardener - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3492326 8
PenJen - A Light Outside - A3497259 8
NaeThyme - Organism Friday - A3497808 7
ASNOMonkeys - Organism Friday - A3498690 7
MRSLooRoll A Light Outside A3500317 N/A

100 word challenge

Post 1665


Weaver, you didn't score looby.

100 word challenge

Post 1666


Here they are again, don't go counting 'em twice!

Spidey - Christmas Stocking - A3446561 8.5
Weaver - Christmas Stocking - A3447281 ~
Haveago - Christmas Stocking - A3452799 7
Karjon - Christmas Stocking - A3454698 8
Lynda - Christmas Stocking - A3496368 8.5
ASNOMonkeys - Christmas Stocking -A3463256 7


Karjon - Organism Friday - A3457901 7
NaeThyme - A Light Outside - A3441359 8
Enigmatic - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3481733 8.5
Fat Gardener - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3492326 8
PenJen - A Light Outside - A3497259 8
NaeThyme - Organism Friday - A3497808 7
ASNOMonkeys - Organism Friday - A3498690 7
MRSLooRoll A Ligh

t Outside A3500317 7

100 word challenge

Post 1667


Mind you, why I couldn't have just posted the extra score....

100 word challenge

Post 1668

the fat gardener

Sorry, have been tied up, son off school sick again. I'll try to review the rest of your stories tomorrow and post scores. Some really good ones there.
smiley - oksmiley - run

100 word challenge

Post 1669


My scores,

Spidey - Christmas Stocking - A3446561 8.5
Weaver - Christmas Stocking - A3447281 8
Haveago - Christmas Stocking - A3452799 7.5
Karjon - Christmas Stocking - A3454698 8
Lynda - Christmas Stocking - A3496368 9
ASNOMonkeys - Christmas Stocking -A3463256


Karjon - Organism Friday - A3457901 8.5
NaeThyme - A Light Outside - A3441359 8
Enigmatic - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3481733 8
Fat Gardener - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3492326 8
PenJen - A Light Outside - A3497259 8.5
NaeThyme - Organism Friday - A3497808 8
ASNOMonkeys - Organism Friday - A3498690
MRSLooRoll A Light Outside A3500317 9

smiley - cheers

100 word challenge

Post 1670

the fat gardener

Sorry for the wait folks:

Spidey - Christmas Stocking - A3446561 8
Weaver - Christmas Stocking - A3447281 8.5
Haveago - Christmas Stocking - A3452799 8
Karjon - Christmas Stocking - A3454698 8
Lynda - Christmas Stocking - A3496368 9
ASNOMonkeys - Christmas Stocking - A3463256 8
Karjon - Organism Friday - A3457901 8.5
NaeThyme - A Light Outside - A3441359 9.5
Enigmatic - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3481733 8
Fat Gardener - A Dark Midwinter Night - A3492326 ~
PenJen - A Light Outside - A3497259 9.5
NaeThyme - Organism Friday - A3497808 8
ASNOMonkeys - Organism Friday - A3498690 8.5
MRSLooRoll A Light Outside A3500317 9

100 word challenge

Post 1671


Are we still waiting for some scores or something? We've gone off the boil a little, I think.

100 word challenge

Post 1672


I think there are three sets of scores still to come, Weaver.


100 word challenge

Post 1673


Sorry I have not done mine yet guys. Will try to do it late tonight. In the middle of cooking a roast duck and the rest athe mo. Got rellies coming for dinner. Eight o clock meeting in pub later with musicians involved in the tsunami relief concert next week.
Can u believe it. Hub is downstairs doing the veggies! They are coming at four and I stlill havent got dressed.

spideysmiley - run

100 word challenge

Post 1674


oh, it's one of THOSE parties, is it.

100 word challenge

Post 1675


Expect my scores tonight/tomorrow afternoon.

100 word challenge

Post 1676


well OooooooKkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy then, make us waitsmiley - laugh

100 word challenge

Post 1677


Hey, it's not just me smiley - erm There's spidey and a mystery third person...

100 word challenge

Post 1678


I meant it for all of you peewee, and it is just a joke. Who is the mystery third person?

100 word challenge

Post 1679


I know you were joking, Lynda smiley - winkeye I thought by now you'd have some idea of what I'm like smiley - thief

I dunno who it is... because I can't be bothered to go through who has scored and who hasn't. smiley - laugh

100 word challenge

Post 1680


I see that smiley - thief Erotic Ed has raised his wee baldy head again... Oh dear!

C'mon PeeWee give me and Lynda a full ten and we'll leave ye alone! smiley - tongueout

So, Ms Lobby hon - you can give us a stitch in nine. smiley - biggrin

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