This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

Christmas musings.....

Post 1601


Good idea FG. Now all I need is another one for my story.....smiley - sadface

Christmas musings.....

Post 1602

karjon all I have to do is invent a friend in the Hammersmith area and raise the money for the fare from Glasgow and the accomodation.

Ah, can always tell me a story about the meeting.



Christmas musings.....

Post 1603


Hmm...invent a why didn't I think of that...

Christmas musings.....

Post 1604

the fat gardener

Hey Karjon - perhaps we could have a Scottish venue the time after. Or a North of England venue. I've always wanted to see Glasgow School of Art etc.

Christmas musings.....

Post 1605



Yeah, the Art School is a pretty stunning building - a wee trip out to the West End and the place is full of gorgeous buildings. And Glasgow is now hailed as one of the best places for shopping e.g. Princes Square and the whole of Buchanan Street - full of designer gear. I hate shopping and can't afford designer clothes so it's wasted on me.

Funnily enough we do have a lot of pubs and if a meet ever happens in this area I would suggest the Corinthian (used to be a bank and has a mad nightclub in the downstairs section where there are different 'rooms' created from the old vaults) or Arta which is just so beautiful it's hard to do anything but stare at the surroundings.

Maybe one day...



Christmas musings.....

Post 1606


Spidey Christmas Stocking A3446561
Weaver Christmas Stocking A3447281
Haveago Christmas Stocking A3452799
Karjon Christmas Stocking A3454698

Karjon Organism Friday A3457901
NaeThyme A Light Outside A3441359

Just thought I'd start this before we end up with stories all over the place - I hope I haven't missed anyone.



Christmas musings.....

Post 1607


Cheers for that Karjon.

Christmas musings.....

Post 1608


Hey, and what about a midlands venue? There's a great pub called the Brunswick, 300 yards from Derby Station...

Christmas musings.....

Post 1609


"Hey, and what about a midlands venue?"

If I wouldn't to see neanderthals, I'd go to a Millwall match.

Christmas musings.....

Post 1610


I guess I'd be insulted if that wasn't so badly written.

And a happy new year toi you too

Christmas musings.....

Post 1611


What, you've never seen the alternative spelling of "wanted"?

I blame general tiredness at the time...

Christmas musings.....

Post 1612


Had much 'general tiredness' this christmas?

Christmas musings.....

Post 1613


I'll pretend that makes sense and reply with maybe.

Christmas musings.....

Post 1614

the fat gardener

It's the time of year for rutting stags.smiley - winkeye

Christmas musings.....

Post 1615


's okay, enig, I forgot you don't worship at the altar of Bacchus. I expect there are a few around who wish they didn't either.

100 word challengers

Post 1616

the fat gardener

Dear Original and Almighties,

A while ago Spiderbaby suggested a challenge where we attempt to write the first two paragraphs of a story. I thought this would be really useful for aspiring novelists - of which I am one. Aspiring and perspiring.

I thought this would be a good idea for a writing group, as a development from Spiderbaby's excellent 60 word challenges, where story writers could make use of experiments with beginnings.

I don't want to take time and people away from Spiderbaby's unique and invaluable thread - but if anyone from here would be interested in joining I would be really pleased.

It is called the 'First 2 Para's Group'.

smiley - okFG.

100 word challengers

Post 1617


After taking part in a similar thread, I quickly realised that 90% of the people on this site don't know how to get a story past the first chapter.

We'd start at point A, then point B, back to point A again, point C popped up from nowhere, point B again, point A AGAIN... and so on.

Frustrating. I'll give yours a look though, as it sounds a bit different.

100 word challengers

Post 1618

the fat gardener

Dear Enig,

We only need to get past the first two paragraphs - setting the scene, instilling the drama etc.

Perhaps we need you!!

smiley - smiley

100 word challengers

Post 1619


All the ladies need an injection of Enigmatic1 in their life smiley - winkeye Except my mum, who felt the need to eject me, kicking and screaming into this realm. I was warm in there, cosy and warm. No politics in there, you know. No bureaucracy, no PCism, no alarmist tabloids, no racism, no positive discrimination, nothing.

Men are spat out of a womb at birth and then spend their adult life trying to get back in again smiley - ok

100 word challengers

Post 1620


smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Ach, God help us! Enig - good luck! smiley - laughsmiley - run

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