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Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1721


No, we shan't say I berated you cos I didn't smiley - erm Is this the Smear Enigmatic1 Day or something? lol. I merely said that in my view the despair didn't have a context, thus it lacked a real story behind it, which I would've liked.

Let's not blow this into a debate about what constitutes a story because that's not the point. I gave you one of the highest scores!

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1722


Ok its done and dusted. I wasn't getting at you - I genuinely wanted clarification because it was a good point you raised. ...and it is'nt Smear Enigmatic day because that was last week I think!

smiley - smiley
smiley - smooch

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1723


I'll elaborate with examples, just in case I'm misinterpreted AGAIN smiley - erm

There are two stories: Story 1 and Story 2. Both can be classified as short stories, that is to say works of fiction. Both stories are about hopelessness. Story 1 is presented as a monologue about a person's inner pain, however, it doesn't include any mention of why the person feels that way. Story 2 is also presented as a monologue, however, within that monologue the protagonist explains why they feel the way they do, thus adding context to the despair.

Some might say, including me, that Story 1, while being a story, actually lacks any form of plot or context for the despair, thus it effectively a scene. That doesn't mean it's not a story, it just means that the story doesn't have any form of a plot (story) smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

There you go.

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1724


smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Well done Loobssmiley - magic(in advance of Haveagos score) though I don't think there is any doubt.

Sigh me up for the next one, and I don't mind if they're 60 or 100

Well done again Loobssmiley - cheers

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1725


OK, Looby, no worries, I wasn't getting at you either. It's just I'd rather avoid it being said that I'm berating people when I've already been erroenously accused of sour grapes today smiley - winkeye

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1726


Erroneously too smiley - biggrin

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1727


Thanks Lynd - though you was robbed....and I'm not starting on the swagger yet in case have to give it back!!!

Niggy - When is a story not a story?
Answer: When it's a borey.

loobysmiley - smiley

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1728


Or when it's a poem smiley - ok

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1729


Oh my children, how I love you all. Yes Incatatus, you may join us on our next voyage.
I think Enig has explained pretty well how a story can differ from a story!

Now, I am going to wait and see if there is a general consensus of opinion on the number of words for the next one before asking Looby to post some new titles.

I won't wait long though.smiley - ok


Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1730



I've got this cat here and I just have to chuck it at some pigeons.

You said we were treating Christmas Stocking as a separate score, so, technically, Lynda and Looby are both winners and both get to post titles i.e. 2 each.

Sorry, couldn't resist making things more difficult today.

Hmm...I think I may use a smiley for oncesmiley - winkeye.



Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1731


You are quite right. Thanks for reminding me.

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1732


Spidey: We were allowed to do both your title (Christmas stocking) and ONE of the others, right?

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1733



That was the original plan - I think NT just thought it was any two titles - easy mistake to make.


Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1734


Enigmatic - 100
looby 100
asmallnumberof monkeys
weaver 100
spidey 60

That is to say, I prefer 100 words, but since it's your thread, spidey, I'll defer to you.

We've had the "when is a story not a story" debate before on this thread, as I recall...

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1735


Karjon: yep, I had assumed that (about Thyme), and I wasn't going to bother mentioning it to be honest. I just wanted to know if what I thought was correct.

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1736


Enigmatic - 100
karjon - 100
looby - 100
asmallnumberof monkeys
weaver - 100
spidey - 60

But I'm being selfish - I do 60's with the 60 word group and was enjoying the change. I agree with Weaver - your baby, your decision and I'll happily stick with it.



Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1737


I haven't abandoned hope yet... our AWOL scorer may give me 3 points more than looby... smiley - laugh

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1738


Maybe everone else will get 0 and I'll get 10!

Okay, I'm stopping drinking the wine now.


Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1739


smiley - laugh I love you allsmiley - ok

Hello..calling the 8 legged oracle...

Post 1740


Yes, and I'll stop drinking the, er... cola smiley - erm

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