This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

100 words

Post 2181


well theres a lot of us going to the party, you, Penjen, Loobs, Weaver, Fats and me so I suppose we will have to do our scoring on Monday.

That all right with you Spidey?


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Post 2182


I'm not setting out until Saturday lunch, but I suspect not all stories will be posted by then anyhow.

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Post 2183


Unless some kind person in a Brummie bar will lend me their laptop (during half-time of the match) so I can swivel out 100 words, I might have to skip on this one. Well maybe later tonight I can try and throw a wee one in. Heading off tomorrow (Thurs) and not back 'till Tuesday night. Will try me best, I promise, Spidey! smiley - angel

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Post 2184


Don't forget to pack your party frock, Weaves

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Post 2185


You always say that Jen, then you throw one in at the last minute and nearly win it everytimesmiley - laugh

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Post 2186


Hey Weave - make sure it ain't pink as Cadwallen is wearing pink. I'm still deciding between the polka dots and orange strippy one. smiley - diva

And Ms Lynda - Watch it! smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout

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Post 2187


Was thinking of bringing the laptop, but it'd only get covered in beer and/or spew...

Come on Spidey, let's get the 100 worders moved soonish - I'm about ready to be a fully fledged moderator over there. all we have to do is come up with the title and the description

100 Word Writers

1 week, 4 titles, 100 words, marked out of 10. Any questions?

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Post 2188


Group now set up. it's called Small But Perfectly Formed Stories. I have not had a play with the whistles and bells yet. No time at the moment but it's a little corner of WD we can call our own soon smiley - wah

You lot are just trying to make me jealous cos I can't go to the party.smiley - wah

Ok, for those of you who need to get over massive hangovers you can have till tuesday.

Sink an orange juice or two for me won't you.

spideysmiley - cheers

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Post 2189


nice ta see ya Spids, will have a look see at our new home soon

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Post 2190

the fat gardener

Yes, well done Spidey! Looking forward to new challenges on WD.

I haven't a clue how to do anything over there yet. Stuck a big toe in a chat room that's all.

smiley - oksmiley - run

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Post 2191


I don't see it listed under the groups?

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Post 2192


Kate - No Rehearsal - A3710981
Weaver - Secret Keys - A3740582
Fat Gardener - Secret Keys - A3741851
Looby - A3759825
Lynda - A3760120
karjon - The Test - A3767998

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Post 2193


Kate - No Rehearsal - A3710981
Weaver - Secret Keys - A3740582
Fat Gardener - Secret Keys - A3741851
Looby - A3759825
Lynda - A3760120
karjon - The Test - A3768069

Sorry about that.

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Post 2194


The group sems to be listed in hidden groups under Small But Perfectly Formed Stories.

So far I have added

can't find you on writers dock looby.

Who else is there or planning to go you want me to add you too.


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Post 2195


Spidey - I am TheRealLooby on writers Dock
as myloobyloo has stolen my name.

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

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Post 2196

Stationery Explorer

Yes please Spidey.

smiley - smiley

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Post 2197


SE are you registered in that name on WD yet? Can't seem to find you when I want to add you.


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Post 2198

Stationery Explorer

On WD I come up as Stationery-Explorer. I had to have a hyphen between the two as I couldn't have a space.


100 words

Post 2199


Hi Spidey

I’ve just registered at WD as ASmallNumberOfMonkeys and I’d love to join the group there. I’ll just have to figure how to navigate round the place to find it now.

Thanks smiley - cheers

100 words

Post 2200


Count me in, spideysmiley - ok

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