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Last nights party
Posted Nov 1, 2006
It took me three quarters of an hour to buy one pint and two vodka and redbulls.
This wouldnt be so bad (the queue was six deep mind..) because Conan was serving me (full body paint as well which I totally buzzed off). Were it not for the fact I spent the best part of an hour trying to find people again which did my nut in completely.
Must have had about four pints all night. I was well angry.
I was happy though due to these reasons:
Freddie Mercury, wembly era - the yellow jacket, the works. He looked fantastic.
Darkman - one of the society members came in argueably the best costume of the night although he buggered off to manchester.
Papa Lazarou - he was damn fine
And last but not least
Someone came in the full gear,and got totally into character, to the point where when the competition started and the DJ said 'well he cant win a prize because its not really a halloween costume' we all turned into an angry mob. Every other contestant got booed down (all 6, with the exception of papa lazarou, were pants) until a chant of Borat started.
Finally the DJ admitted defeat and gave him some time on stage which was well good. He dropped his kecks too which was not so good although thankfully nothing too graphic occured. There were many ladies after Borat that night I can tell you.
Me. Well I think I've ruined my best suit although I did look damn good, and I remained fairly adgile as well for the most of it.
I got in, whacked the cigar I couldnt smoke due to no matches between my teeth, and played halo for two hours as people came home. I got really angry walking home but precision death soon solved that.
Now all I have to do is plan for next year. I've threatend the society with demanding all round Yoda's, but I might just say everyone come as jedi because that would be cool, and on the way to 53 degrees we could batter it other a bit so fun for all.
There was also a gorilla.
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Latest reply: Nov 1, 2006
So im drunk
Posted Oct 31, 2006
Im sat here in my firefly tshirt, having final finished the firefly marathon minus film.
Howard is downstairs sleeping in a power nap whilst I soldier through knowing that if I fall asleep ill never get back up.
Tomrrow night is halloween and tactically I=ve bought two tickets. I have myy fancy suit, my fangs - ill look well 'dashing' as many lovely lady has said.
But im stuck. Why?
That means im having to get up early, sort that out, then go get drunk! Pfft! I dont know, people these days!
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Latest reply: Oct 31, 2006
Posted Oct 23, 2006
Now I looked at this, and thought 'Meh' mainly because I dont like Captain Jack, but I though "You know Mark, you should give this a go" and so I did.
What in goblins name???
Its worse then Robin Hood, and thats saying something!
For a start, whats with the standing on buildings that have nothing to do with the plot? In the first episode he stands on two, random buildings with big long shots showing off cardiff. Now if I was Welsh and those buildings were my cultural landmarks (i.e. in Doctor who we see Big ben et al) then sure great, but I dont have a clue what they were so it just looked like he was a bit of a loonie who'd wandered off one day and ended up at the top of a building.
Okay and the Welsh police woman... great how she abandons her post to run about disobeying orders.
Also, why do they spend a good three minutes explaining how the lift works? Whats the bloody point? Cpt Jack could easily say 'look, it works, just go with it okay'.
Is it just me, or does it look like the welsh womans husband is going to die by episode four? He's just got that air of doom about him.
Also, why is the guy.. er.. you know the one who isnt cpt jack. Yeh why does he have a massive massive mouth?.
Plus the whole killing a character off in the first episode would have really worked and been a really good plot piece.. except I didnt give two monkeys about her that died - by the end I was urging for someone to shoot her and cheered when Jack got a bullet although it was sadly short lived.
Right and this thing with the 'I cant die'. WHAT? No, theres rules there has to be rules. Is it highlander rules (dont lose you heart) or vampire rules (no sticks in the heart) but plain invulnerability? Nah thats just silly, and renders watching the rest of the show pretty useless because the whole torchwood group could get slaughtered and he'd still be standing.
Anyway I'm feeling depressed so I'm off to lye in bed.
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Latest reply: Oct 23, 2006
New neighbours
Posted Oct 15, 2006
I've got new neighbours. Its half four in the morning.
And there boozed up Irish who've decided to sing there little Irish hearts out bless 'em.
Ironically to a song called 'I wish I was back home in Derry'.
Yes... I wish you were back home in Derry too.
I really hate being woken up.
I I trudged round in my pjs, knocked on, to a guy who looked like he'd killed his parents last week for kicks. Told him and... the call of Kareoke is strong.
I've had a stupidly bad day as it is, and this, while it does tickle me with its irony, is now starting to annoy me.
Is this the start of another sonic war with foriegn nationals (having already turned back the Portugesse earlier in the year through a combination of Wagner and Jimi Hendrix).
See I dont think that combination would work this time. I think a combination of metal and camp classics is called for.
Okay, I admit, it does make me want to visit ireland more. Sure the buggers have woken me up, and yep they cant sing for toffee, but I can see why there singing.
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Latest reply: Oct 15, 2006
How far can you make 2 pound go?
Posted Oct 12, 2006
For two pound today I bought -
The Running Man
Total Recall
And to round out the blood fest - Four Weddings and a Funeral
Thats right, two pound for all those. Now fair enough there not exactly wonderous - especially commando - but hell there exactly the kind of thing I need right now and Four weddings.. well thats part of my new mission to educate the masses.
I've found it frustrating at home many films various people I know have seen. My sis for example hasnt seen Rocky, Aliens or Die Hard. Alex hadnt seen Amelie or fifth element till a few weeks ago and now shakara hasnt seen four weddings - that needs sorting!
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Latest reply: Oct 12, 2006
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