This is the Message Centre for Mr. Carrot


Post 181

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hello!smiley - smiley

it's funny that... the reading and listening exams i did today were on that exact subject... the differences between living in the city or the country.

well i suppose for the people whose houses are right beside it, it must be annoying... however im a little down the road so it doesn't disturb us.smiley - smiley

hmmmmm yeah i see what you mean... i haven't seen the cola ads in ages right enough...!smiley - smiley
oh you're not Christian? i don't know why i supposed you were!lol... is Kristian Christian?! (just kidding) well im a Christian, a Catholic but im not a practising Catholic anymore. I don't really know what i believe...smiley - sadface


Post 182

Mr. Carrot

Hiya!smiley - smiley

Hmmm... i had one on that subject in English last year!smiley - smiley I remember getting a six, maybe it is a good omensmiley - winkeye...

Ok... that's goodsmiley - smiley

Yup... that's what I dislike...smiley - sadface I think I read somewhere that cola was actually responsible for taking old st.claus and turning him into Santa... I'm not sure about that, though. It might be some sort of urban myth, but still...

No, I dunno what I am, really, but I don't like churches much. I think that every religion has been subject to misuse and misinterpretation, and even change, to the point where even the bible has been edited (twice, actually). I think I prefer to make up my own mind, not very original, but quite modern, nonetheless...

Well, yes, Kristian is Christian...smiley - smiley He views things a wee bit differently from me.

Hmm, well maybe you will in time... Does it really matter to you? Do you need to believe something? Some people do, others don't...



Post 183

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

heisann!smiley - smiley

aha! yes must be a good omen... yeah right! you get 6's for everything!smiley - smiley

it was edited twice? Gosh didn't even know tnow that!smiley - sadface

oh okay Kristian's Christian... was it so obvious?tee hee...smiley - smiley so he believe in God? I don't even know if i believe in God... i get the feeling as i get older i might change my views... im not saying i'll become a Bible-basher(!) but im sure i'll have thought more about it... right now i don't give very much thought to religion and i think that's okay.smiley - smiley



Post 184

Mr. Carrot

Hei og hopp!

Lol.. naw, I just got back a 5 on my society test...

Yes, during the renaissance, I think. The church convention in Trieste was one of the occasions, metinx.smiley - smiley

Well, whatever makes you happysmiley - smiley.

Right... I suppose I had better gosmiley - smiley.

I've still got some pages to read before the movie...smiley - smiley



Post 185

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hello!smiley - smiley

oh come on Oyvind! a 5 is great!... you told me all the percentages remember?

Hmmmm im a bit too engrossed in my Zola novels just now... i should really read LOTR at some point though.smiley - smiley



Post 186

Mr. Carrot


Well, of course it is!smiley - smiley You just said that I get 6's for everything, which I had to deny,b ecause I just got a 5 on the society-knowledge test...smiley - smiley

Hmmm... Zola... like Emile Zola? Was that the guy who wrote "J'accuse", or am I just mixing things up (I'm horribly tired, really, so there is a good chance that I am).



Post 187

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

Yeah im pretty sure he did write "J'accuse"...smiley - smiley

oh and i see the initial topic of this thread has come back to haunt you...smiley - sadface "hugs"



Post 188

Mr. Carrot

Hello there!smiley - smiley

Hmmm... I haven't actually read anything by him, but I've read something about him (more to the point, I've read something about his book, "J'accuse").smiley - smiley Any good then? I'm assuming it is, since you're reading itsmiley - smiley.

Yup, I suppose you may say that. I was expecting a refusal, of course, but I didn't think that she would actually run away before I had a chance to talk to her. I think it was rather immature, coming from her. Anyway, there's little I can do aboout it now. I'll just have to keep my distance and see what happens.smiley - sadfacesmiley - brokenheart



Post 189

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

heisann!smiley - smiley

im not reading J'accuse( hence why i wasn't 100% % sure if Zola wrote it)... im reading Therese Raquin.smiley - smiley

yeah it was pretty immature of her... per. perhaps she had a good excuse... anyway it was pretty awful considering she knows she won't see you for a fortnight... for all she knows you could be worried and upset about it for the duration of these holidays... to be honest... even although im an outsider in the whole thing i think she probably likes you a lot, she is just a bit confused... i bet if you ignored her or made her jealous by going out(or even pretending to go out) with another girl you'd upset her as much as she's upset you... of course you'd only do that if you were as immature as she is, which you're not.



Post 190

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

i just read my own last message to you and i disagree with some of it!lol... i wasn't trying to make excuses for her.smiley - sadface


Post 191

Mr. Carrot

Hiya!smiley - smiley

I know you aren't reading "J'accuse", but is "Therese Raquin" any good then???smiley - smiley

Hmmm... Thanks, you made me smilesmiley - smiley. Well, I dunno if she really knows how I feel about her, I don't really think she does, she's rather bright, but when it comes to feelings, she's as slow on the uptake as I am. Anyway, I'm very certain that she's got a crush on someone else, so she probably doesn't like me that much. But I don't think she hates me either. I think that we both just make mistakes, and because of the way I feel about her, I'm more easily insulted by her than I should be. Also, I think she was counting on my showing up at the party on Saturday... I didn't go though, because I didn't think she wanted to see me yet. Oh well, things are a wee bit clearer to me, and I don't feel all horrible any more, but it is obvious that a change of strategy is needed... I think I'll just lie low for a while and see what happens...smiley - smiley

But thanks, anywaysmiley - smiley.



Post 192

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

Hello!smiley - smiley

oh yeah it's a good book... quite fantastical in it's plot but the way it's written you almost understand how it could happen in real life. L'etranger was like that too... must be a French thing.smiley - smiley

yeah she doesn't seem to hate you at all... perhaps she likes you so much she can't articulate herself properly in front of you... perhaps she likes you too much?... well i don't know why im asking you because you of course can't read her mind or you'd have sorted it out by now!smiley - smiley just from a girl's point of view i think you should know i've behaved similarly to this girl you like... and it wasn't because i didn't like the guy it was because i liked him too much... and then when he lost interest in me i got a bit angry with myself...! i liked the attention but i wasn't prepared to give him my time... i've changed though... honest! :0



Post 193

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

oh and you say you think she might have a crush on someone else... well it's of course possible... it seems she may want to have her cake and eat it.smiley - sadface


Post 194

Mr. Carrot

Hiya!smiley - smiley

Well, the french are good at being dramatic... And they've made some excellent movies, not to mention books... Hmmm.. I'll add Emile Zola to my list of authors that I have to check out...smiley - smiley

Hmmm... what you say matches my experience with her, but I still believe that she has a crush on someone else, and I have quite a lot of reasons to believe so. So I don't think she's all THAT interested in me... Hmmm... I'll just lay low and see what she does... Perhaps in time I will have to talk to her...smiley - smiley How come you weren't prepared to give him your time, though? That's what I really can't understand...smiley - smiley

Oh well, I dunno why, but somehow, you fill me with new hope...smiley - smiley Perhaps all isn't lost yet...smiley - smiley Ah well, only time will show, if I've got any...



Post 195

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

howdy!( i haven't used that one in a while...!smiley - smiley)

oh god yeah... drama queens the lot of them!smiley - smiley perhaps that's why i love them... the opposite of me.smiley - smiley

well... i guess i just didn't like him enough.smiley - sadface but i was younger then, i think that makes a difference. Well i have to admit liking the attention(depending on on who it is) but... well i don't know... i get doubts and think "why's he interested in me?"... sometimes i even get angry and wish he'd disappear... but really im angry at myself for not dealing with my feelings properly... och! do you see how complicated females are?!lolsmiley - sadface

well im glad to hear it.smiley - smiley i doubt highly that you two are finished... and if she's never your gf again then i hope you'll end up good friends.smiley - smiley Que sera, sera eh?smiley - smiley this is probably not the time for my stupid cliches!:0smiley - smiley



Post 196

Mr. Carrot

Hallapårei! (I've never used it... smiley - rofl)

Yes. For some reason, Kristian really dislikes French... He considers them snobbish... Which is strange, because he usually has an affection for everything snobbish... Or, as he says... everything with "style"...smiley - rofl

Hmmmm... you said you liked him too much...
Hmmm... well, I can't say that your reasoning here is easy to follow, but I do not doubt that you could be made to come to the bottom of it, if the boy had known which buttons to pushsmiley - winkeye.

Hmmm... she has never been my gf... why would you believe that? Thanks anywaysmiley - smiley! Hmmm... what does that mean? I may know a little French, but I don't know any Spanish, or Italian for that matter... And don't worry about using clichés... when it comes to love, most words have been tried all too often not to have become clichés... or to have dwindled into failed pickup-linessmiley - rofl.



Post 197

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

heisann!smiley - smiley

he dislikes French?! what?!... gosh... well i'll be questioning him on that as i noticed he's replied to me...smiley - smiley

oh i don't kn't know... i was being too presumptious... i thought(for some daft reason)that you had dated her and then you had split up because she was being standoffish, then she went out with this other guy and then that ended and now you've made a move... i don't know where i got that from! i just thought since you said you're in love with her that you had dated her and had close, intimate relationship with her...smiley - smiley

this may seem a very nosy question but have you told her you love her?

if you want to have your cake and eat it? it just means you want it all... you want everything your own way.

aaaah chat-up lines... what's the worst you've heard? wel well there's the usual
"Get your coat you've pulled"

then there's ,

"If i had to re-write the alphabet i'd put U and I together"

and also,

"You must be tired coz you've been running through my mind all night"

and even worse,

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

cringeworthy eh?!smiley - yuk



Post 198

Mr. Carrot

Hiya!smiley - smiley

Hehe... you do that...smiley - smiley

Well, I did date her... but things didn't really work all that well. She has this mental block, and she's unable of getting past it, or telling me what's wrong...smiley - sadface

I was going to, but then she rejected me... I still intend to tell her at some point, but it'll be a while before that time comessmiley - sadface.

Oh... rightsmiley - smiley.

Hmmm... Here's a couple:

A guy looks at a girl and beckones her to come over to him with his finger, then he says: "I just made you come with one finger... I've got tensmiley - winkeye"

Uuuurgh, that was the worst one...

Allright: "I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?"

"I wish that I was cross-eyed, so I could see you twice"

Or here comes the worst one:

"You look like venus de milo, if I could just cut of your armssmiley - tongueout"

Ooooh, here's on: "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"

I have to say that i've NEVER even considered using these... Don't try this at home kidssmiley - winkeye!

Yupsmiley - smiley



Post 199

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hello!smiley - smiley

aha! seems like you have a bit of a mental block too!?lol... you did date her!smiley - smiley

well... i mean it's up to you but don't tell her you love her if it's not right because she really will do a runner then...smiley - sadface

oh my god! i had only heard one of those! the first one was the funniest though... im surprised i hadn't heard that before considering chat-up lines are common over here... eugh!smiley - sadface



Post 200

Mr. Carrot

Hullo there!

Hehe... well, yes, but we never got anywhere... So what do you mean by mental block? Dating doesn't neccesarily mean that we had a relationship...smiley - winkeye

True enough... That's what I'm afraid of... Oh well, I'll see how things are on monday...smiley - smiley

Hmmm... I've never heard of anyone using them... I mean, honestly... You can't expect to get girls withs tandard sleazy chat-up lines... It all comes down to individuality in the end...


Oh, and how was Christmas? Did you get everything you wished for?smiley - smiley

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