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Mr. Carrot Posted May 16, 2004
It will be. I will, it probably says in some note I've got, but I'm not sure where I have it... Yeah, I suppose so. Well, couldn't you simply say that you wish to have a bit of a holiday, and that Prague offers a lot of that?
*It's the same with me, I suppose. I usually realize it in time. I'm not equating it, but that's what I use my personal quite time for. *Does half the school count for anything? *Sounds odd. Must be that electromagnetic field you surround yourself with. I think you recharge it in that swimming pool of yours... *Good. Whodevah? What hsa that got to do with anything? *Well, perhaps you don't really need to? *Agreed, but everyone still strives to find some golden principles. Extreme idealism is never good, and I don't believe in ideologies, but I do try and live by what I think is right, without forcing that on others. I try, that is. *See, that's the creepy thing. We've both got that power, even over very intelligent and rational people. It's extremely creepy, if we start exploiting it.********
Evil rumours say that the radiator at Oslo contemporary art gallery got a very warm critique in a fancy magazine once...
Not really. He's contemplative, but he's far from unstable in my opinion.
Hmm. Couldn't you learn to forget it? Ah, well, I find it extremely amusing...
Tacysa Posted May 16, 2004
Funsies, funsies. I'm giddy for you. Would that work with your mother?
*Well, now, that makes a nice bundle of sense, right there. *No, but I was simply showing you how stupid my peers are. *I don't do it intentionally, but I never thought of that... *I don't know. Peroxide or rubbing alcohol? *I can just be irrationally angry? *And I'll let you win that one. *Well, you're not supposed to exploit it, but I have.*********
A fancy magazine?
Then he just beat the system and is probably laughing his pants off.
Learn to forget something you see And it is.
Mr. Carrot Posted May 17, 2004
Something about the length of your sentences tells me that you were rather tired or stressed when writing this, right?
Yeah, it will be fun. Yes, that would work with my mother. I've gone abroad on my own before.
*I suppose this means that you didn't bother with reading the backlog? *Thought so. *It's a thought, isn't it? *Depends on what you're using it for. *Nope, but perhaps you don't really need to be angry at all. *Does that mean you disagree, or that you'll let me win because you're afraid of insulting me? *Have you? I haven't done it, as I'm aware of, except when playing "mafia"*******
a fancy arts-magazine. A rather popular one at that.
Yes, and I'm extremely annoyed that he got off when I didn't.
Well, if you forgot about it, then you wouldn't notice it. Ignore it once, and you might be able to forget it. Extremely.
I think males never outgrow that.
Tacysa Posted May 17, 2004
Maybe a combination of both. Yes, definitely a combination of both, BUT I'M DOOOOOOONE! WWWWWOOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOO.
You mother is an exceptional creature, then.
*I actually did, you just kind of...expounded to the point where it was semi-logical to me. **sigh* You're really trying to kill them now, aren't you? *Not a realistic one. *AGH! Which one? *Now there's a thought, but being giddy all of the time does something to your brain. *No, it means that we've argued that one up and down so many times it's useless to keep repeating the same things in an attempt to convert the other. If I were afraid of insulting you, I'd...well, I'd do it anyway. *Only once maliciously and I was being pushed WAAAY past my limits and the person was aware of it and kept on going. They deserved it. Playing 'Mafia'? **************
Now, that's funny. I can't ever stand to read those things. The print is so fine and the pages are so shiny and I'm afraid of getting fingerprints on them.
I can't imagine that...
I'd have to be aware of it in order to ignore it.
Outgrow what?
Mr. Carrot Posted May 18, 2004
Thought so... And woo yay for that.
She is. She is the only parent I've ever known who actually trusts her child...
*Oh... I thought you were being sarcastic... *Nope, I just had troubles with finding an answer for that one. *Nope, but it could happen, it's just very, very improbable. *Not sure. Do you realize that I haven't a clue what we're talking about anymore? *Yes, having the same emotion for long is never healthy. *I'm glad of that. I suppose we'll just have to see for ourselves... *Aha. Yeah, it's a game, sort of a party game, where you have a group of people, and one or two among them are mafiosos, and kill one person every night. So, as the game goes on, more and more people die. Every morning, there's a meeting, where the citizens of the town accuse one person, and that person gets hanged. The objective of the game depends on which role you have, of course. I've won as the mafioso several times, because I'm capapble of giving convincing defensive speeches...********
I've never tried to read any of them, but I still find it an amusing rumour.
Alright, I'm not. But i like teasing him about it...
Initially, yes. When you've done it for a while, it becomes instinct...
The grumpiness. It's intolerably amusing.
Tacysa Posted May 18, 2004
Did you try to insinuate that I might sleep? Egads, boy, what are you thinking? I gave up sleep for Lent. Wait, you say, Lent has been over for quite awhile and I'm not Catholic. In reply to that, I shall answer, Yes, but only good Christians stick to such archaic things as self-flagellation for such long periods of time. But, you ask again, it's unhealthy for you, and I shally tell you, yes, terribly so, but only the good die young. You will now proceed to ask what I am talking about and why I am not sleeping. The truth is, darling, I haven't the foggiest, either.
Unlike mine who thinks I'm up to everything bad. She can't help that she's certifiably crazy.
*Not that time, but I still don't agree. *That's when you're supposed to make up one. *I'm refraining from singing. *We're talking about whether you prefer hydrogen peroxide to rubbing alcohol or vice versa. *But it's so nice and stable. You never have to contemplate what to think about because ha! you already know. *And I suppose we shall find out eventually. Whether or not you give into the truth, however, is a different matter...
*Now that sounds almost as much fun as hide and go seek! But how long do your parties last????*********
I wouldn't recommend, because even YOU do not have that much patience.
I can imagine so.
I don't think it would be good to develop(e) (it's been a very long day) an instinct to lie to yourself.
Acourse, but I believe you've got some of it too.
Mr. Carrot Posted May 19, 2004
I didn't, but alright... Well, you seem to have more or less wrapped up the conversation for me on your own.
Unlike anyone else, to be honest. I've yet to meet another kid with a parent that actually trusts him or her. But that only makes her amusing, doesn't it? Or is it the wrong kind of crazy?
*I can understand that. All I can hope for is that it sounds reasonable. *I suppose so, but I was tired. *Which song? *For what purposes? Peroxide is sort of cool... *Yes, but that doesn't mean it's healthy. I do not feel like elaborating this right now, but I suppose you get my point. *I should think so. Probably not, but it's worth a try. *Hours and hours on end. Usually till about three AM. ********
I would guess not. I think I could laugh my head off when reading some of them, though...
Hmmm... Porn Groove or Psychedelic Rock?
Well, everyone else's got it. Naw, you're right, though it could come in handy at times.
No, I get crochety, test, snippy. Not grumpy.
Tacysa Posted May 19, 2004
Kind of sad, really. How are you?
She sounds absolutely amazing. Wanna switch? No, she's got a really bad mix. Sometimes she's a good crazy, but she's got way too much of her father's type A personality.
*Nah, give up reason and rationality. Think of all of the ways you could injure yourself... *I understand that feeling. I got thirteen hours of sleep last night. I even skipped supper... *I don't quite remember. Dot and Meagan were singing 'For the Longest Time' in lit today, so I've got that in my head. Whoa, whoa, whoa, for the longest time... *I completely understand and I'm too completely variable to think about stability at this point. *Keep trying... *Oh, fun! We're having a party next Thursday at the cabin, so we'll be up all night chasing cows. How long do days last in 'Mafia' then?************
Oh, yes. This is a jar of urine that symbolizes...
Oh, definitely psychedelic rock. How can you not LOVE Pink Floyd? Come on, how?
I don't have it. If you can't tell yourself the truth, how can you be trusted with anything? I don't see how.
I don't get grumpy either, I just sound that way.
Mr. Carrot Posted May 19, 2004
Not really, just amusing. I'm alright, as we've talked about. Feels sort of horrible, doesn't it?
She is... herself, I suppose. Not for the world. I'm quite happy with my mother. Awww... that's too bad.
*AAAAGH! No, I'm going to stay reasonable, even if it's a lost cause. *I would've done that, but I had loads of tests to study for and an orchestra practice... *Hmmm... I've got Norwegian psychedelic rock in my head right now... *You've killed a sentence again! *I suppose you are. That's half the fun about you. *I could, but for what purpose? *It is. Weeee. Perhaps you should play Mafia, then? I've won the game a couple of times, in different roles, too. *******
... a jar of urine. Too fantastically amusing, so it is...
I love Pink Floyd, but I wrote that under the influence of 'Motorpsycho'...
I don't know if I've got it, to be honest. I shall have to check. You can tell yourself the truth, but ignoring the cable doesn't mean lying to yourself about it. You know it's there, but once you start ignoring it, it becomes a habit.
Like I believe THAT.
Tacysa Posted May 20, 2004
I wasn't even trying. Apparently, I'm particularly adorable when I'm exhausted. *grumpyetagain* It makes me want to throw a terrific temper tantrum and then squeeze the freakin' (not freaking) stuffing out of someone.
She does sound amazing from what you've told me. Nah, it's actually kind of fun once you get used to it. You learn really, really quickly when to say things and what things at that time. You can't be particularly literal with her because she overreacts to most everything.
*You do realize that that is impossible because you're hopelessly irrational about some things, right? *So do I, but I had no choice. I was dying. I skipped a banquet and am memorizing a two-page song for Spanish the night before. Dammit. *Now THAT should be amusing. I've got the most mind-numbingly cheerful bluegrass on. *ACH! I do it unintentionally. Now, peroxide or rubbing alcohol? *What, that I'm terribly unstable and irrational? *I remember this quote from an early report card of mine: 'Does not follow directions-U' *I don't completely understand it and am rubbish at explaining things like that to people. He's multitalented...hahahaha. ***********
I do believe it had a small color globe in it, too...
What, you normally don't like Pink Floyd? That's incredible stuff. Mellow-out music, it is.
I think if you start making it a habit for one thing, you become more happy with the falsehood, paving the path for a growing garden of lies. Once you start you can't stop, and I don't think I should put myself in that position; I've got too much other stuff to worry about to bother with constantly covering my butt.
Well, it's the truth...
Mr. Carrot Posted May 20, 2004
Those are the best. I see, yes, there's nothing so adorable as a thoroughly miserable person. I suppose it gives you an opportunity to get extra hugs.
Maybe she is... I don't know. She's just... Mum. I see... my stepmum is kinda like that...
*Like I said, it's a lost cause, but that won't stop me from trying. *I see... How are you now, then? *It is quite good, actually. Remind me to play some of it to you... I've got a Bach-suite arranged for Marimba... talk about mind-twister. *That's what they all say. I think I said that peroxide is a nice fuzzy name for a substance, but it depens on the purpose. *Well yes. It's very charming, you know... *Oh, so fun!
*I could probably send you a detailed description of the game, if it helps. What's so fun about that?
You're kidding??? I thought you were joking...
Nononononoooo... That's not what I said. I love Pink Floyd, but I was thinking of Motorpsycho when I wrote it.
I suppose you might be right. My cousin suggested that you go the other way and get hold of two large poles, one made out of zinc, and one out of copper...
You lie.
Tacysa Posted May 20, 2004
There's nothing so adorable as a thoroughly miserable person? You're sick. No, I get rather prickly when I'm upset.
Tell. Ah, isn't it a riot?
*As with me. *I'm alive and purty goot. Y tu? *Bach for the marimba? Wow. *Lalalaa, bite me, lalala... Then list all of the purposes that you would use one or the other for. *Well, thanks, but I don't see how. *Not when your parents see it...*Please email it to me! You're just too much fun.**********
No, I'll have to ask my brother.
Aha, I was about to...dunno.
Tell him he's a sick, sick boy for wanting to fry a small American girl.
Prove it!
Mr. Carrot Posted May 20, 2004
Well, you said it yourself, you said one could get loads of hugs by going up to people looking entirely too miserable.
I'd rather not. Not with her, no... She dislikes dogs, and she's completely irrational about a lot of things. She would've been very amusing, if she didn't, in fact, have any power.
*Tea or coffee? *I'm alive, that's for certain. *It's incredible, really. So relaxing music, but a mind-wringer to have playing, because it's got three or four counterpoints running all the time... *I don't know them, to be honest. I would just guess that they have different advantages for different situations. *Neither do I, but it is like that. *Ah, no, I suppose not. *I will indeed. Well, at least I'm good for something. ********
Oh, damn. That's even worse than I thought.
Well, it's kinda lost, isn't it? Your turn to ask a question.
He didn't say anything about frying you... Just something about using local sources of energy...
I don't even have to ask if you get sick pleasure out of this.
Tacysa Posted May 21, 2004
I never said I was particularly adorable when absolutely miserable. You can, but you're hugging the other person, not receiving the hug.
Alright, then. No, you're right, that doesn't sound amusing in the least. You don't have to live with her, do you?
*Neither, really. I like herbal teas, but I don't like tea tea; it's icky. Coffee smells better, but chai is divine. I don't really like either very much. *You need a hug. *How many marimbas are being played? *I would expound, but it probably wouldn't make any more sense. I prefer rubbing alcohol to peroxide, however. *That is very interesting. *Actually, I think they got used to it pretty quickly. I have less than two years before I can see my permanent record, and I am ever looking forward to that. **clapshands* Funsies! You see, I'd take you and keep you in my closet if you ever wanted to move. I might even let you out now and again.**********
Even better, I do believe it was an exhibition sponsored by the government...
I think so. Hmm...mud or dirt?
Sure, sure...Tell him that he's welcome to hook one up in his own backyard. I don't think you could channel much energy out of it, really...
Out of telling you to prove something? No, not particularly, but get back to the point...
Mr. Carrot Posted May 21, 2004
Perhaps it's a guy's instinct? I haven't seen you when you're absolutely miserable. Ah, I see.
It isn't very amusing, no. Not any more, thank god.
*I like tea, but I'm no fan of coffee. Herbal teas are the best, and the worst would have to be the african "green grasshopper-tea". *Thanks. *Two in that particular piece, I believe. *It probably wouldn't, no. Towels or bathrobes? *Is it? I would've thought you knew that by now... *Yes, that will be a blast... *Right, off to write a detailed game description... Erm... thanks?
That's typical, isn't it?
Depends on the situation. I think dirt, for most occasions.
Hehe, well, it would be fun to try... Well, if you can't get a lot of energy out of it, then it won't fry you either, right?
What point?
Tacysa Posted May 21, 2004
Maybe so. I don't really know. You don't want to see me completely miserable; it's something I try to avoid.
Oh, sheesh, you had to live with her AND your da?
*I love sassafrass tea. *Feeling aight now? *Now that's a bunch of fun. *Ha. That's difficult, but I think I'll say bathrobes...but you can't wrap bathrobes around twenty pounds of wet hair...bathrobes. *It is. I still don't understand, really, but I never do. *I want to see the total number of demerits I've gotten. *Yes, thanks! I'll have to play it next Thursday at the cabin. You should be flattered. I don't invite everyone to stay in my closet, you know.**********
Sadly, yes.
Really? I love mud.
Hahaha, now I hadn't considered that. What level current comes out of your outlets?
You were going to prove something.
Mr. Carrot Posted May 21, 2004
Neither do I, but I make guesses at times. I get the feeling I might have to at some point, but certainly not yet.
This is why I moved. If you want more details, I could tell you, but I'd rather we did that in an email.
*It's quite good, yes. I like spice-based teas too... *Yes, you? *I'll play it to you some time, it's extremely good. *I think I would prefer bathrobes, but I haven't got one, so towels it is... *Never is too strong a word, but perhaps you don't need to? *Ooooooh... That will be EXTREMELY amusing... *Do that, and tell me how it went. Make sure to invent loads of elaborate and morbid murders... Perhaps I am, perhaps I am... *******
I don't really see the art in that...
Well, mud can be fun, yes, but dirt is kinda good too, at least on roads.
Hehe. We get 220-230V, AC, of course.
Was I now?
Tacysa Posted May 22, 2004
Understandable. Water or juice?
*We have sassafrass trees everywhere about here... *Pretty good, just a wee bit tired. *You shall, near the same time I play this wretched *titters* stuff. *I've got a summer one and a winter one, so I find it all very amusing. I'll have to take a picture of me in my winter's funny. *I don't understand...I just kind of roll and ponder. It would be nice to understand, though. *Oh, incredibly. 'Threw stuffed sheep at classmate'. Hahahaha. *Oh, yes! I'll certainly try. I'll get put as story teller because I'm the one with the rules...mushmushmushahaha. You don't sound very enthusiatic...**********
Neither did the government...
Agreed. Oak or pine?
That's what I thought.
Yes, if you don't I'll win.
Mr. Carrot Posted May 22, 2004
Not yet, I think.
Both, you?
*Lucky you, I don't think we get them over here. *Well, that's understandable, after a gig and everything. *So I play you something I think is extremely good, and you play me some wretched stuff... *Seasonal bathrobes... Hmmmmmm...
*Guy's instinct, probably. *Have you done that????
*Make them really complicated and elaborate, or you could go for the 'stepped on a garden rake with a large nail in the handle(!!!)'. Well, I'm more of an outdoor guy, if it comes to that. *******
But it was 'probably very artistic and intelligent', so they funded it anyway...
Oak... We had a government-protected oak tree on our old property... It was over a thousand years old, and we swung by a rope from one of the lower branches... Ahh, sweet memories.
You, then?
You can't if I'm in constant denial.
Tacysa Posted May 22, 2004
Thinking is bad.
*I think they're more of a warm-intermediate plant. *Someone caught an alligator while we were there. *Yes. Doesn't that sound like a worthy trade off? I might play you some Jim Croce if you're nice. *Well, the one for the winter is huge and fleece and I look like a wooly-bear in it. *Irrationality has been found in the mind of Øyvind, at last. *Yes, I have. *bows* *I can come up with some fun stuff. I think we'll probably watch the Mothman Prophecies first and then I'll torture the poor dears. Okay, so the rake shed?*********
But they severely reprimanded the person in charge, first.
Oooh, that's lovely. I get pictures from thinking about that.
110-120V, AC/60Hz.
Key: Complain about this post
- 761: Mr. Carrot (May 16, 2004)
- 762: Tacysa (May 16, 2004)
- 763: Mr. Carrot (May 17, 2004)
- 764: Tacysa (May 17, 2004)
- 765: Mr. Carrot (May 18, 2004)
- 766: Tacysa (May 18, 2004)
- 767: Mr. Carrot (May 19, 2004)
- 768: Tacysa (May 19, 2004)
- 769: Mr. Carrot (May 19, 2004)
- 770: Tacysa (May 20, 2004)
- 771: Mr. Carrot (May 20, 2004)
- 772: Tacysa (May 20, 2004)
- 773: Mr. Carrot (May 20, 2004)
- 774: Tacysa (May 21, 2004)
- 775: Mr. Carrot (May 21, 2004)
- 776: Tacysa (May 21, 2004)
- 777: Mr. Carrot (May 21, 2004)
- 778: Tacysa (May 22, 2004)
- 779: Mr. Carrot (May 22, 2004)
- 780: Tacysa (May 22, 2004)
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