This is the Message Centre for Mr. Carrot
Aw, but it's cute. What sort of jumproping do you like to do?
Tacysa Posted Jun 2, 2004
Vipers? La vipora... Volwes? Did you do that just for me? I do think volwes *tittersinsanely* are very beautiful, but we only coyotes here. I do love you for that. Volwes, wovels. Too damn cute.
I'll have to learn it later.
*Dein ist mein ganzes herz... *I played the bluegrass, a wee bit of zydeco, and that horrid BBMac. *giggles* *I have never had the right chemistry grade and it's my fault. I'm too slack to study unless there's something pressing coming up. I've never had to foster study habits in anything, but I now know I need to study for physical sciences. *Did not. Ma! He's breathing my aiirrr! *No, but you haven't gotten me in my 'so blonde it's painful' mode. Well, maybe once or twice.********** (It makes you so much more amusing. I can't do what you do, so I find it entertaining to prod at you and see what tricks you can do.)
Ditto. I don't mind grapes, but artificial grape flavorings and grape juice make me ill.
Yes. I was out in the yard walking the dogs once and started stomping and screaming trying to kill one (it's virtually impossible to smash them) and daddy ran out of his shop and told me to stop beating the dogs like that! Ha!
I am now pining for good salami.
Well, you can skiprope anytime you so desire. Bah, baseball.
Tacysa Posted Jun 2, 2004
Charming, aren't they?
Hmm... could you elaborate that?
Mr. Carrot Posted Jun 2, 2004
Venomous, black adders... Yep, just for you. I was uncertain about it, and decided to take the option that looked most unlike
Will you?
*I don't speak german... *Yes, that's true. Three, then.
*Well, do you have any more physical sciences coming up that you have to study? *I'm on the other side of the world. I can hardly be said to take up more air than the rest of the world's population. Did too, btw. *Maybe I have, but I don't mind. '****** (Hehe. We seem to take pleasure in each other, certainly.
I like your silliness, and you like my rationality.)
Grapes are good, but I definitely prefer strawberries. Mmm... strawberries and chocolate... Mmmmmmmmmm.
Yes, I read that they were almost impossible to stomp... Sound quite creepy...
As am I...
Hmm... could you elaborate that?
Mr. Carrot Posted Jun 2, 2004
Extremely... Makes me very glad to be living in a country where nothing venomous survives the winter...
Like...jumping games. Double-dutch?
Tacysa Posted Jun 2, 2004
Are there many snakes? When you're locked in my closet, I'll make you say silly things.
Most likely.
*I can do basic phrases. At one time, I was pretty fluent, but not speaking it kind of killed that. *Three. I'm going to have to dig up some good, old punk stuff. *I know I'll have to take at least one physics course in college, but it'll mostly be biology. My mother thinks I'm insane for wanting to go into a science, though I'll probably end up elsewhere. * *shakeshead* You ruin my fun by being so literal. That's what you're supposed to say when you're stuck in the back of a van with two brothers on a crosscountry Adventure in Moving. Did not, nice of you not to leave that off. *Yes, you find it entertaining, which I find rather odd. ********* (Well, that's a good thing, if frustrating.)
How come our conversations always end up winding back to food? Strawberries and chocolate. Mmmm. Maybe in white chocolate, too.
Not creepy. Well, they don't frighten me, but they hurt when they sting your foot. I'll have to do voicechat this summer at night so you can hear all of the insects bouncing off of my windows...
Hahaha, now have Irish brothel songs in my head.
Like...jumping games. Double-dutch?
Tacysa Posted Jun 2, 2004
Darling, things have to survive the winter in order to exist during the warmer months. I wonder, do you get the lovely joy of permafrost? We're lucky if we can get snow. It's a miracle if it sticks. We had three or four freezes this winter, and we haven't gotten any snow in two years.
Yes. I wouldn't know the names in English...
Mr. Carrot Posted Jun 3, 2004
Nope, they're quite rare. Most of them get run-over by cars... I don't think you'll need to make me...
How annoying...
*Ah, I see. This is why I wish to study abroad... *Alright. I've heard quite a lot of punk, so surprise me... *Well, at least it's only one. Biology would be more your thing, no? Hmmm... I think you could do some good. Ethology is a very interesting science. *Yes, I know that, but I felt like making a point of it. Did too. I found it neccesary to keep it going. *Well, I've met people who've said that going south is just like going downhill all the time... You're not half as blonde as them. ******* (Why frustrating?)
It's a very natural subject. I'm not much of a fan of white chocolate. Dark is a keyword with me and chocolate...
Okies. I just read 'cow killer' and thought "They can kill cows? YIKES!"...
Oh my... how on earth did you get THAT into your head?
Yes. I wouldn't know the names in English...
Mr. Carrot Posted Jun 3, 2004
My point. No venomous creatures up here... almost none, at least. We don't get permafrost, no. The gulf stream sees to it that we get lovely, warm summers. I love snow.
Hm, true.
Tacysa Posted Jun 3, 2004
Hehe, there always a million snakes on the roads. Warmer, I guess. I think the reason we have so many snakes this year is because the hogs have moved on. Perfect!
Indeed. That's the American school system, for ya.
*Why? So you can learn many, many languages by emersion? *Yes, now this is going to be a problem. I always have a hard time separating genres. I may have to steal some of Keither's crap. *But I'd imagine that I'll fail it miserably. Biology is most definitely more of my thing; but, truth be known, I'll probably end up in a liberal arts field. *sigh* Oh, well, I'll just have to wait and see. *Useless. Did not. *Well, technically, if you start at the Equator and go south, you are going 'downhill.' That is, until you reach the Pole, then you're going north and uphill...********** (Because I'd like to be completely rational.)
Food is a very natural subject. I like white chocolate, but I'll definitely agree that dark chocolate is best. A few years ago, we got some Hawaiian chocolate, unsweetened, and pure. Oh, man, talk about heaven.
Considering the welt I have on my foot, I wouldn't doubt it.
Not quite sure. It's moved on to 'I like dirt, I like dirt, I like dirt...'
Mr. Carrot Posted Jun 4, 2004
That would be an explanation. You aim for them, don't you?
So sad...
*No, so I can maintain my English. *I'm a bit tired of punk, but I'm sure you'll find something. *You'll pass, and I don't think you need more than a pass, considering how brilliant you are at other things. Liberal arts... well, you'll always find something you can use your experience on. As we all have to... *Quite fun for me. Did too. *Not really, since up and down is defined by the earth's center. ******* (I think you could be, but that you would find it boring.)
Yup. Unsweetened? Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Sounds great.
Aha. Why did it bite you to begin with?
Rhytmic, or just as a thought?
Mr. Carrot Posted Jun 4, 2004
I think we get a very good deal in Norway: Snow in winter, warm summers for swimming.
Having someone wash and brush your hair is absolutely marvelous.
Tacysa Posted Jun 4, 2004
I don't aim for them, but my mother sure does. King snake, smash. Corn snake, smush. Rat snake, smoosh. Rattle snake, yeah, them too. I only kill the poisonous ones. I can tell the difference so I usually only hack up the bad 'uns. I got a rather large moccasin the other day.
You're not kidding. The newspaper mentioned today that the state was considering converting all of the school buses to alternative fuels, however. Usually, the South is last to come into any reform, so I'm being highly impressed that it was even considered.
*Hm, yes. But how often do you think you'll need English? *That's what I was thinking. It's so boring and pretty international. You've got a pretty good listening base, so I'll find something that I know you haven't heard. *I do thank you, but my brilliance is far from reknowned. If it exists at all, it's only good for completely useless stuff that will do nothing for anything. Theoretical maths and literary analysis, useless. I imagine I'll change majors at least twice, but that's life. I've got plenty of time. You narrowed your career choice down to anything less broad, yet? *That's only because you're a terribly twisted individual. Did not. *There is no up and down with a sphere. ********** (Probably, but then why do I find you so entertaining?)
It was quite marvelous. Flat chips about as big as CDs. I have eaten so much chocolate pudding in the past two days, that chocolate is making my head spin.
I had just gotten done walking the dogs and decided to go on a little tramp. I left the house and promptly took off my socks and shoes and headed back to the creek. There's a bit of a grassy clearing and the fellow happened to be crawling around there. That's what I get for not wearing shoes, but I do love to go barefoot.
It's a song.
Having someone wash and brush your hair is absolutely marvelous.
Tacysa Posted Jun 4, 2004
It does sound like it. I love the South, but I wouldn't mind snow in the least. There's something quite special about summer down here. Everything just sloooooowwwsss down. It's hot, it's buggy, it's muggy, but it's really nice in a masochistic way. I just wish we had some seasonal differentiation.
I've never actually tried that, but I did that to Tara yesterday...
Mr. Carrot Posted Jun 4, 2004
Muahahahahaha. Did you, now?
Yes, that would be extremely impressive. What alternative fuels were considered, though?
*That would depend on where I live and who I live with. * Very international. Weeeeeee. *I'd say you've got an affinity for language, at least, and possibly a grasp of philosophy. You could do something about that. Nope, the problem is that I do not yet know all the possibilities. *Yes, but why quite when it's fun? Did too. *Nope, but there is concentric and exentric. Up and down is defined by gravity, i.e. the center of the the sphere. ******* (Because I'm not completely rational, I only appear to be. Or possibly because it's entertaining to observe, but not to do it yourself.)
OOoooo. *salivates* Lovely... I had cheesecake today.
Going barefoot is lovely, but I do not do it in high grass when I'm not familiar with the local fauna.
What genre?
Oh, dear, you should have someone wash and brush your hair for you. It's a lovely thing, it's a looovely thing. *purrs*
Tacysa Posted Jun 4, 2004
Yes, I did. I am HeeWoman.
There were six suggestions: compressed natural gas, propane, diesel with an extremely low sulfur content, biodiesel (animals fats and vegetable oils mixed with diesel), emulsified (water and diesel). Bluebird, the biggest bus company in the US, isn't far from here and already produces buses running on alternative fuels for cities in California and high-density areas. Like the paper said, it's going to be the funding and government grants that will make it possible, and those come few and far between. It's a nice thought, and I'm surprised that something progressive is being considered.
*True, true. I almost gave my mother a stroke when I told her I was going to set up a commune with two people representing every major language in the world so I could learn languages. That's a little extreme, I think, but it's interesting to think about. *Feeling better today, are you? *Not really philosophy, but more of extended reasoning. I can see different sides, though I hardly believe any of them. Whatever. I guess I'll have to see how I do on this math placement test on the seventh.
But do you have to know all of the possibilites in order to know what you want to do? *Can't argue with that. Did not. *We're not talking about up and down as determined by the orientation of a body on another, but up and down as directions. I do not think up and down are defined by gravity at all. Up and down are terms that we have been taught to teach us relation. Think about this, you're standing on a platform and someone tells you to jump DOWN. Do you not have to jump UP first in order to jump DOWN?********** (You're not completely rational, but you're much more so than I am. Amazingly enough, while being extremely rational most of the time, you aren't too much of a stick-in-the-mud.
But that is what I find odd. Shouldn't irrationality be more interesting that rationality? (Yes, I'm in a very thinking mood today.))
Did you? I think I may make one tomorrow because I know I can eat it. I managed to masticate a doughnut today. It took me thirty minutes, but, dammit, I ATE solid food.
Red Hot Chili Peppers, I do believe...*digsthroughCDs*
Who does it for you?
Mr. Carrot Posted Jun 5, 2004
Very impressive indeed.
*When did you decide to do that? *I was. I'm extremely tired today, however. *You are not required to believe them. Seeing different sides is all there is to it. You can be a philosopher and still believe in firm ethical values. Plato did that. *You could try. Did too. *Down is still a direction defined by gravity. It is relative to where you're standing. Not neccesarily. You could walk off of it. ******* (You might be right. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. (So I see. (so, it's bracket-framed sentences now, is it?)))
I did. It's absolutely lovely. Congratulations.
At least I'm rational.
Hmm. I can't remember ever hearing that one. What's it called?
When I was little or when I need my hair oiled, my mommy.
Tacysa Posted Jun 5, 2004
My hands are purple.
*Well, right when she started trying to interrogate me about my life's desires. *Yes, and wonderfully synchronized. I have an amazing amount of pictures for you. I took close to forty on the digi and a roll on my 'blad. I've got nine I MUST show you, however. *But, unfortunately, there is little money and little place in today's world for thinkers. *Why would I argue about wanting not to quit poking at you? Did not. Well, I know one thing, this asterisk isn't going to die. *It is relative to where you are standing, yes, but not necesarilly determined by gravity. If you walk off, you are still going up before going down, are you not?*********** (Nah, actually, I'm quite happy with my grass. Everything is remarkably green right now. (Contemplation is a wonderful thing. (We have evolved.)))
Sounds like it.
I have a great song in reply to that.
'I Like Dirt'? Hehe. I honestly don't remember.
Lucky you.
Mr. Carrot Posted Jun 6, 2004
Why on earth are they purple???
*You did it on purpose in order to shock her? *Well, send them over when I go online again. *Not really, you just have to look in the right places. Wear a disguise, so to speak. *Because you like arguing things? Did too. Very true, that. *How can you claim that 'down' isn't defined by the pull of gravity? If you fall down, it means that gravity excises a pull on you, and that there is no substance to stop you rfom being pulled 'down'. Not neccesarily.You might lift your feet, but if your whole body doesn't ascend, then you are not, technically, going upwards.******* (Rationality is still exotic and entertaining to you. (It is indeed. Especially when you contemplate nonsense in a rational and sensical way. (Yay for that. (How many of these can we develop, I wonder?))))
Are you going to make one, then?
But you're refraining yourself because you're being nice?
Interesting, that. I don't think I can be bothered with checking.
Key: Complain about this post
Well, you can skiprope anytime you so desire. Bah, baseball.
- 821: Mr. Carrot (Jun 2, 2004)
- 822: Tacysa (Jun 2, 2004)
- 823: Tacysa (Jun 2, 2004)
- 824: Mr. Carrot (Jun 2, 2004)
- 825: Mr. Carrot (Jun 2, 2004)
- 826: Tacysa (Jun 2, 2004)
- 827: Tacysa (Jun 2, 2004)
- 828: Mr. Carrot (Jun 3, 2004)
- 829: Mr. Carrot (Jun 3, 2004)
- 830: Tacysa (Jun 3, 2004)
- 831: Tacysa (Jun 3, 2004)
- 832: Mr. Carrot (Jun 4, 2004)
- 833: Mr. Carrot (Jun 4, 2004)
- 834: Tacysa (Jun 4, 2004)
- 835: Tacysa (Jun 4, 2004)
- 836: Mr. Carrot (Jun 4, 2004)
- 837: Tacysa (Jun 4, 2004)
- 838: Mr. Carrot (Jun 5, 2004)
- 839: Tacysa (Jun 5, 2004)
- 840: Mr. Carrot (Jun 6, 2004)
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